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All > Tompkins > Brooktondale
Brookton's Market
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/brooktons-marketThe Brookton's Market is a local grocery deli store, serving breakfast sandwiches and bagels, cold and grilled sandwiches, homemade soup, homemade deli salads, homemade baked goods, and much more. It features a large variety of fresh, local and organic produce, local fresh eggs, local beef and pork, and local dairy products, and showcases local artists and crafters with their handmade items for sale.
491 Brooktondale Rd, Brooktondale http://www.brooktonsmarket.com/ (607) 539-7900 karyn.brooktonsmarket@gmail.comFood Forest Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/food-forest-farmAt Food Forest Farm, they aim to help people create low-maintenance, regenerative food systems. They grow, supply, and teach about perennial vegetables and other multipurpose plants. They work with their clients to design landscapes, and lives, that are sustaining and nourishing for the people and the planet. Their main garden and farm projects are in New York. Their Paradise Lot garden in Holyoke Massachusetts is thriving and tended by new wonderful land stewards.
Brooktondale, NY http://www.foodforestfarm.com (413) 588-8435 foodforestfarm@gmail.comGrow Wild
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/grow-wildGrow Wild is a plant nursery working exclusively with native plant species found in and around the Finger Lakes and Southern Tier regions of New York State, supporting the restoration of plant biodiversity to sites such as agricultural fields and lawns. They sell plants online and at the Brooktondale Farmers Market.
245 Speed Hill Road, Brooktondale https://www.growwildnatives.com/home (314) 749-2882 deanna.l.english@gmail.comNook and Cranny Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/nook-and-cranny-farmNook & Cranny Farm is a small CSA farm that strives to be community-focused and knows every share holder. They constantly improve the soil through rotations, cover cropping, heavy mulching, and addition of organically-approved rock amendments and composted manure. They strive to be mostly hand-powered, relying on two-wheeled BCS tractors for soil work, and thus maintain a low carbon footprint. During the 2015 season they used only 23 gallons of gas for all on-farm activities serving CSA shares to over 60 families, in addition to attending 3 farmer's markets per week, and supplying weekly produce to Brookton's market and a few restaurants.
424 Harford Rd, Brooktondale http://www.nookandcrannyfarm.com/ (607) 539-6580 btuori@gmail.comRootwork Herbals
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rootwork-herbalsRootwork Herbals seeks to serve the community through herbal education, consultations and handcrafted remedies that are high quality and accessible to all. They strive to inspire and empower people to take back responsibility for their health utilizing plant medicine in a way that is bioregional, regenerative and joyful. Rootwork Herbals includes BIPOC community care clinic We Care for Us; educational offerings such as the People’s Medicine School and Woke Without the Work; a BIPOC community garden; and the facilitation of BIPOC sanctuaries at various herb/agriculture conferences. Funds are also raised through the People’s Medicine Reclamation Fund to ensure that BIPOC folks have access to opportunities to reclaim healing through herbalism.
Brooktondale, NY https://www.rootworkherbals.com (607) 592-0196 info@rootworkherbals.comShelterbelt Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/shelterbelt-farmShelterbelt Farm is a family farm that believes all-natural production practices, great taste, quality, and environmental stewardship go hand-in-hand. They raise grass-fed meats, honey and fruits.
200 Creamery Rd, Brooktondale https://shelterbeltfarm.com (607) 342-3771 info@shelterbeltfarm.comShelterbelt Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/shelterbelt-farmShelterbelt Farm is a family farm near Ithaca. The farm is home to three generations of Modishers, and cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, bees, fruit trees, and vegetables. They have committed to the Northeast Organic Farming Association’s Farmers’ Pledge, a promise to use only the best all-natural growing methods.
200 Creamery Rd, Brooktondale http://shelterbeltfarm.com (607) 342-3771 info@shelterbeltfarm.com