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Absolutely Specialized, LLC
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/absolutely-specialized,-llcAbsolutely Specialized is a Heating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) company in Ithaca, New York. They specialize in progressive ductless heat pump systems. As a Mitsubishi Diamond Dealer, they are thoroughly trained in the latest technology, and able to meet your heating and cooling needs; no matter how difficult the installation.
Ithaca, NY http://www.asheatcool.com (607) 227-7547 info@asheatcool.comAmerican Solar Grazing Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/american-solar-grazing-associationASGA promotes grazing livestock on solar installations. They are developing best practices that support shepherds and solar developers to both effectively manage solar installations and create new agribusiness profits.
Ithaca, NY https://www.solargrazing.org/ info@solargrazing.orgBlue Spoon Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/blue-spoon-farmA small family farm in Central New York. Serving our neighbors with quality breeding stock, fresh vegetables, goose eggs, and nutritious meats, raised on local feeds.
5105 State Route 224, Odessa https://www.facebook.com/blue.spoon.farm/?ref=page_internal (607) 898-9050 bluespoonfarm@gmail.comBraiding Truth
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/braiding-truthBraiding Truth is a community that deeply feels pain in this time of global crisis. Their intention is to manifest an ongoing opportunity for a core group of people to regularly share, listen, and connect in ways that promote growth, balance, healing, and transformation.This offering is an outgrowth of the Active Hope Workshop series facilitated in Ithaca by Betti Lambro and colleagues.
Trumansburg, NY http://braidingtruth.org/ braidingtruth@gmail.comCayuga Climate Action
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-climate-actionCayuga Climate Action seeks to educate, advocate, and act on the climate crisis to protect and restore our lakes and lands. Their objectives are to restore Cayuga County’s biodiversity, transition communities to 100% renewable energy, foster recycling, composting, and waste education and reduction, and to align themselves and the county in a right relationship with the planet.
Phoenix Building Havana Room, 2 South Street https://www.facebook.com/cayugaclimateaction/ (248) 565-6272 cayugaclimateaction@gmail.comCivic Ecology Lab
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/civic-ecology-labCivic Ecology Lab, located in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment at Cornell University, integrate research and public engagement to support stewardship, learning, and resilience in communities facing social and environmental stresses globally. Their members conduct engaged research and facilitate global online learning communities. They focus on the contributions of grassroots stewardship and education to climate mitigation, environmental enhancement, and individual and community health and well-being, and contribute to knowledge about the outcomes of, and interactions among, four components of a social-ecological system: They also focus on how small-scale stewardship and education efforts scale up to have broader impacts, including through applying research, institutional partnerships, and spread of behaviors in social networks. They also work in New York City, Puerto Rico, China, and other locations, integrating social equity and diversity with climate and environmental concerns.
Cornell University, Fernow Hall https://www.civicecology.org/ CivicEcology@cornell.eduClimate Reality Project, Finger Lakes Greater Region of NY Chapter
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-reality-project,-finger-lakes-greater-region-of-ny-chapterThis chapter of The Climate Reality Project includes Binghamton, Syracuse, Ithaca, Elmira, Corning, Rochester, and areas in between. Their mission is to educate and mobilize all who reside in the region to take urgent climate action across every level of society, while ensuring that all individuals feel respected and included. Their purview includes climate mitigation, community adaptation and sustainable/regenerative development in response to the climate emergency.
1 Rocky Ln, Ithaca https://climaterealityfingerlakes.org (607) 279-3088 tjhirasuna@mac.comClimate Smart Farming Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-smart-farming-program-The Climate Smart Farming Program of the Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions is a voluntary initiative that helps farmers in New York and the Northeastern US to increase agricultural productivity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase farm resilience to extreme weather and climate variability. Their website serves as an interactive platform that integrates climate information in order to support decision-making at a farm or agricultural-system scale within a specific region.
Cornell University 102-105 Rice Hall, Ithaca http://climatesmartfarming.org/ (607) 254-4942 climatesmartsolutions@gmail.comClimate Solutions Accelerator of the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-solutions-accelerator-of-the-genesee-finger-lakes-regionThe Climate Solutions Accelerator is an inclusive, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to inspiring and facilitating a large-scale climate mobilization in the nine-county Genesee-Finger Lakes Region.Their mission is to create a healthier, more equitable, and environmentally sustainable community by catalyzing local efforts to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and address the effects of climate change. Their vision is a thriving region on a healthy planet, achieved through bold, systemic climate solutions that promote prosperity and security for all.
758 South Avenue, Rochester http:// www.climategfl.org (585) 461-1023 hello@climategfl.orgCornell University Atkinson Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-university-atkinson-centerThe David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future empowers faculty to think outside of their departments and across disciplines when it comes to tackling the world's greatest challenge—creating a vital and resilient future for the global community. By providing start-up funding for cross-college collaborations, emergency research, and partnerships with non-profits, government, and industry, the Atkinson Center supports the pioneering risk-takers at the very heart of radical collaboration through multiple funds and fellowship program.
Cornell University, Ithaca http://www.atkinson.cornell.edu/ (607) 255-7535 acsf@cornell.eduFamily Counseling Service of the Finger Lakes, Inc.
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/family-counseling-service-of-the-finger-lakes,-incFamily Counseling Services’ mission is to provide counseling and supportive services to individuals, children and families to improve the quality of their life at home and in the community. Their first priority is to recognize the dignity of all human beings and strive to provide the highest quality of service to those who come to them in need. They provide services for general therapy and counseling, along with services specializing in domestic violence, parenting, and support for LGBTQ+ youth.
671 South Exchange Street, Geneva https://fcsfl.org/ (315) 789-2613 familycounseling@fcsfl.orgFood Forest Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/food-forest-farmAt Food Forest Farm, they aim to help people create low-maintenance, regenerative food systems. They grow, supply, and teach about perennial vegetables and other multipurpose plants. They work with their clients to design landscapes, and lives, that are sustaining and nourishing for the people and the planet. Their main garden and farm projects are in New York. Their Paradise Lot garden in Holyoke Massachusetts is thriving and tended by new wonderful land stewards.
Brooktondale, NY http://www.foodforestfarm.com (413) 588-8435 foodforestfarm@gmail.comHammerstone School Carpentry for Women
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/hammerstone-school-carpentry-for-womenHammerstone School Carpentry for Women, located outside Ithaca, NY, teaches building skills to women of all ages and experience levels. By increasing the skills of individual women, they hope to increase the number of women in the trades, and ultimately change workplaces for women in and outside of the trades. They also offer contracting services specializing in timber framing, residential construction, and tiny houses.
3285 Jacksonville Road, Trumansburg https://hammerstoneschool.com/ (607) 351-6878 info@hammerstoneschool.comHOLT Architects
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/holt-architectsAt HOLT, they recognize that development is needed to support and advance societal goals, and they endeavor to achieve social, economic, and environmental sustainability in all that they do. They are committed to understanding their clients' goals, and call upon their passion for architectural excellence to make them realities. They strive to bring value to their clients in everything they do. They employ a socially and environmentally responsible approach to their work by establishing sustainability as a core principle of their design. They foster a working environment that nurtures the free exchange of ideas and encourages continuing professional development.
619 W State St, Ithaca http://www.holt.com/ (607) 273-7600 ask@holt.comLuna Fiber Studio
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/luna-fiber-studioLuna is a fully equipped weaving studio and all inclusive textile studio, offering a wide range of classes and workshops.
27 West Main Street, Dryden http://www.lunafiberstudio.com/ lunafiberstudio@gmail.comNew York Climate Change Science Clearinghouse
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-climate-change-science-clearinghouseThe NYCCSC provides access to resources relevant to mitigation of, adaptation to, and building resiliency for climate change in New York State. This includes information about greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric concentrations, projected temperature and precipitation changes, climate effects such as sea level rise and extreme weather events, and more. It also catalogs specific vulnerabilities, risks, and strategies for and across sectors, including agriculture, water resources, coastal zones, ecosystems, buildings, transportation, telecommunications, energy, and public health. The NYCCSC welcomes policymakers, analysts, scientists, planners, businesses, and the general public to the site; however, the primary intended audiences are local planners and decision-makers and those who support their work.
Ithaca, NY https://www.nyclimatescience.org/ (607) 273-6623 info@nyclimatescience.orgNortheast Organic Farming Association of New York
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/northeast-organic-farming-association-of-new-yorkNOFA-NY is an organization of farmers, gardeners, and consumers working together to create a sustainable regional food system that's ecologically sound and economically viable. Through demonstration and education, they promote land stewardship, organic food production, and local marketing. They bring consumer and farmer together to make high quality food available to all people. Their certification branch, NOFA-NY Certified Organic, LLC, has been accredited by the USDA National Organic Program since 2002. They operate the largest organic certification agency in New York State and certify in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. In 2015, a 100% grass fed certification also became available to certified organic operations.
1010 James Street, Syracuse https://www.nofany.org/ (315) 988-4000 info@nofany.orgPathStone Home Rehabilitation and Energy Services
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/pathstone-home-rehabilitation-and-energy-servicesPathStone Home Rehabilitation & Energy Service programs create and preserve assets for low- and moderate-income individuals, families, and communities through coordinated housing rehabilitation. They also provide energy services and community-based revitalization programs. They specialize in providing resources and access to appropriate financing and advocacy to support homeowners across the Rochester / Finger Lakes region and in Muncie, Indiana. They offer free assistance in applying for a variety of NYSERDA programs, advice on how to make your home more energy efficient, and technical knowledge to help you communicate with local contractors participating in these programs. These programs include Home Performance and Assisted Home Performance for energy conservation, NY-Sun for solar electricity, and Clean Heating and Cooling Campaign for heat pump water heater.
400 East Avenue, Rochester https://pathstoneenergyinfo.org/ (800) 888-6770 saveenergy@pathstone.orgRotricity
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rotricityAn outgrowth of the Climate Solutions Accelerator, Roctricity was formed to bring Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) to communities in the Genesee-Finger Lakes region of New York State. Roctricity’s four founding partners have been driving the effort to bring CCA to this area since 2016. Roctricity advocates for community acquisition of electricity that is 100% renewable, and at a fixed rate that is procured at a price lower than a recent average.
Rochester, NY https://www.roctricity.com/ (585) 244-0244 info@roctricity.comShimmering Light Farm & Renewal Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/shimmering-light-farm-renewal-centerShimmering Light is a community supported farm and education center in South Bristol, NY dedicated to inspiring more conscious and regenerative ways of life. Through the farm, retreats, workshops and collaborative learning experiences, Shimmering Light cultivates connection with the Earth, each other and our own true nature.
6143 Hicks Road, Naples http://www.shimmeringlight.info (585) 394-7610 info@shimmeringlight.infoSustainability in Geneva
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/sustainability-in-genevaThe City is making strides toward becoming a Certified Climate Smart Community. Just a few accomplishments to date include: *Passing a resolution adopting the Climate Smart Community Pledge; *Creating a Community Climate Smart Community Task Force focused on climate mitigation and adaptation; *Developing a government operations Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory; *Conducting energy audits at municipal buildings and made recommended energy efficiency improvements; *Adopting a comprehensive plan with sustainability elements; *Participated in the development of the Seneca Lake Watershed Management Plan; *Installed rain gardens at the lakefront to manage stormwater runoff.
47 Castle St, Geneva http://cityofgenevany.com/geneva-sustainability/ (315) 789-6104 Sgerling@geneva.ny.usSustainable Finger Lakes
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/sustainable-finger-lakesSustainable Finger Lakes (formerly Sustainable Tompkins) is a community-based organization whose mission is to promote the long-term well-being of the region by integrating social equity, economic vitality, ecological stewardship, and shared responsibility. Since 2004, SFLX has been a leader in laying the groundwork for the transition to a resilient local economy, healthy environment, and strong social fabric. They act as convener, connector, and catalyst to engage grassroots activists and policymakers in the work to redesign regional society to successfully cope with global influences such as climate disruption and energy transitions. Projects and programs have focused on energy efficiency, climate protection, sustainable community development, green collar jobs, sustainable enterprise, and economic/ecological justice.
309 N Aurora St, Ithaca https://sustainablefingerlakes.org/ (607) 272-1720 info@sustainablefingerlakes.orgTaitem Engineering
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/taitem-engineeringTaitem Engineering undertakes consulting services in the area of mechanical, electrical, plumbing and structural engineering, commissioning, LEED, energy modeling, sustainability consulting, energy studies, energy research, and specialty contracting services; including solar PV installation and Aeroseal duct sealing. Their mission is to apply technology thoughtfully for the benefit of the earth and for the living beings that depend on it.
110 S Albany St, Ithaca http://www.taitem.com/ (607) 277-1118 info@taitem.comThe Solar Village Company LLC
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/the-solar-village-company-llcThis 20-home community in Geneva, New York features low maintenance living with no heating or electric bills. Lake Tunnel Solar Village features homes from Solar Home Factory, built to be solid, light, warm, and with integrated renewable energy. You can live just steps from the water and walk to fine dining and entertainment downtown.
33 Forge Ave, Geneva https://www.solar-village.com/ (315) 230-4070 info@solarhomefactory.comTompkins Time Traders
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tompkins-time-tradersA not-for-profit community organization that provides a time exchange network of services and goods for all residents of Tompkins County, empowering individuals to utilize their skills and enhance their lives, neighborhood and community.
944 Dryden Road, Ithaca https://hourworld.org/bank/?hw=1017 (607) 319-4724 info@tompkinstimetraders.netU.S. Green Building Council New York Upstate
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/us-green-building-council-new-york-upstateUSGBC New York Upstate offers education, outreach, advocacy, and activities for our members and individuals interested in green building in 55 counties in New York State. Their members, volunteers, and Market Leadership Advisory Board are a diverse group, passionate about green buildings and communities. As a member of USGBC New York Upstate, you'll join a diverse, dedicated community of professionals — who design, construct, manage, finance, insure, maintain, own, and occupy buildings.
727 East Washington Street, Syracuse https://www.usgbc.org/chapters/usgbc-new-york-upstate (315) 729-9067 thall@usgbc.orgWeavers' Guild of Rochester
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/weavers-guild-of-rochesterThe Weavers' Guild of Rochester is a non-profit organization that promotes study and interest in weaving and the related fiber arts – including spinning, felting, dyeing, knitting, and other textile-related work. Anyone is welcome to join. Their members live primarily in Rochester, NY, and the surrounding region, while their newsletter members live across the nation and abroad. All courses and the Guild's evening meetings take place at the Weaving & Fiber Arts Center in the Piano Works Mall.
349 West Commercial Street, East Rochester http://weaversguildofrochester.org/ wgr@weaversguildofrochester.orgWildmoon Homesteading
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/wildmoon-homesteadingWildmoon Homestading focuses on growing food organically. They offer heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables, as well as classes for women in growing, storing, cooking, seedsaving, naturalists skills, survival skills, and shiitake growing.
529 Prospect Valley Road, Willseyville http://wildmoonhomesteading.com (607) 659-5995 wildmoonhomesteading@gmail.com