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All > #economic-justice
Acorn Designs
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/acorn-designsAcorn Designs has been creating eco-friendly paper products as notecards, journals, and stationery since 1981. They are dedicated to finding the greenest papers available and highest quality art and stories to present you with a great product with environmental integrity. All their products are sourced and manufactured in the US; mostly within very close proximity to their studio in the Finger Lakes.
4491 Reynolds Rd, Trumansburg http://acorndesigns.org (607) 351-3787 info@acorndesigns.orgBusiness Leaders of Colors
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/business-leaders-of-colorsThe Business Leaders of Color (BLoC) is a member-based organization whose mission is to support business leaders and work towards equity in the arena of economic opportunity, integrity, and growth.
126 E State St, Ithaca https://www.businessleadersofcolors.com/ (607) 279-7835 gladys@businessleadersofcolors.comCentral New York Labor Federation
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/central-new-york-labor-federationThe Central New York Area Labor Federation represents over 100,000 members of 200 local unions in eleven central New York counties: Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Madison, Onondaga, Oswego, Otsego, Tioga, and Tompkins. Their mission is to improve the lives of working families -- to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to New York and the nation. They work to build a broad movement of New York workers by helping workers join and form unions, support workers as they bargain with employers to improve their living conditions and workplaces, as well as their communities, state, and nation, and strengthen the voice of working families at all levels of government and in a changing global economy.
615 West Genesee Street, Syracuse https://www.cnylabor.org/ (315) 422-3363 endy@cnylabor.orgCornell Cooperative Extension of Steuben County
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-cooperative-extension-of-steuben-countyThe mission of Cooperative Extension is to enable people to improve their lives and communities through partnerships that put experience and research knowledge to work. Extension staff and trained volunteers deliver education programs, conduct applied research, and encourage community collaborations. Their educators connect people with the information they need on topics such as commercial and consumer agriculture; nutrition and health; youth and families; finances; energy efficiency; economic and community development; and sustainable natural resources. CCE-Steuben is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization and is part of the Cooperative Extension land grant system, a partnership between County, State, and Federal governments that is administered in New York State through Cornell University. Each county's Cooperative Extension association is independent and works to serve the needs of the county in which it is located.
20 East Morris Street, Bath http://putknowledgetowork.org/ (607) 664-2300 steuben@cornell.eduCornell Farmworker Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-farmworker-programThe Cornell Farmworker Program is dedicated to improving the living and working conditions of farmworkers and their families, and to seeking recognition for farmworkers' contributions to society and their acceptance and full participation in local communities. The Cornell Farmworker Program envisions a state and nation in which farmworkers receive equal protection under law, earn a living wage, live in comfortable housing, are safe and healthy, receive due respect as workers and as individuals, and participate fully in their communities.
Cornell University, Warren Hall https://cardi.cals.cornell.edu/programs/farmworker/ (607) 255-9510 cardi@cornell.eduFinger Lakes Land Access, Reconciliation, and Reparations Working Group
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-land-access,-reconciliation,-and-reparations-working-groupThe Finger Lakes Land Access Reconciliation & Reparations Working Group is a collaborative group of individuals and community based organizations working together to ask and answer questions on topics of land, sovereignty, and access, and to address the inequalities of these issues that exist in the complex intersections of race and class privilege, amongst many others.
Ithaca, NY https://www.facebook.com/FLXLARR/ (607) 319-5095 flxlandreconciliation@gmail.comFood and Health Network of South Central New York
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/food-and-health-network-of-south-central-new-yorkThe Food & Health Network (FaHN) is an eight-county coalition of diverse stakeholders working to build food-secure communities and a thriving, healthy, regional food system through collaboration. FaHN is a program of the nonprofit Rural Health Network of South Central NY, whose mission is to advance the health and well-being of rural people and communities. FaHN supports programs and policies that bridge connections between local agriculture, food access and healthcare so that all community members have access to nutritious food and local farms and businesses remain viable for many years to come. Their network takes an interdisciplinary, systematic, and regional approach to impact South Central New York’s food system.
455 Court Street, Binghamton https://foodandhealthnetwork.org/ (607) 692-7669 esummerlee@rhnscny.orgGreater Syracuse Tenants Network
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/greater-syracuse-tenants-networkThe Greater Syracuse Tenants Network (Tenants Network) supports housing in Central New York by assisting low-income tenants to obtain and preserve safe and affordable rental housing. Its approach is to organize tenants into associations at individual low-income properties to represent their interests with the management, supervisory agencies such as DHCR and HUD, and in community forums. The key to this approach is providing leadership development training, information, education and counseling to tenant leaders and individuals, who then become the leaders of the tenant associations. The Tenants Network provides counseling, outreach and referrals to assist tenants to transition into home ownership. It conducts training for landlords and human service workers.
Syracuse, NY http://www.syracusetenant.org/ (315) 475-8092 info@syracusetenant.orgGreen Party of Monroe County
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/green-party-of-monroe-countyGreen Rochester started as a slate of candidates for local office in 2013 and continues as a vehicle to recruit people to run for office who are not beholden to corporate interests and subscribe to the Green Party's 10 Key Values: grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, non-violence, decentralization, community-based economics, feminism and respect for diversity, personal and global responsibility, and future focus and sustainability.
891 Monroe Ave, Rochester http://www.greenrochester.org/ (585) 454-8474 greenrochesterny@gmail.comGreen Party of Onondaga County
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/green-party-of-onondaga-countyThe Green Party of Onondaga County works to establish political action based on cooperation, rather than exploitation, on conservation rather than consumption, and on sustainability rather than short-term gain. They believe in an alternative, independent politics. The Syracuse Greens are the Coordinating Committee for the Green Party of Onondaga County, which is recognized as the county organization affiliated with the Green Party of New York State.
2013 E Genesee St, Syracuse http://www.syracusegreens.org (315) 474-7055Greentopia
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/greentopia-Greentopia is an organization that strives to create a resilient Rochester one neighborhood at a time, through ecological design, stewardship, and community advocacy. Their Green Visions workforce development program offers local youth job experiences, training, and mentorship while operating a cut flower farm in areas formerly covered by vacant lots. Their High Falls EcoDistrict Program is creating New York State’s first EcoDistrict.®
74 Browns Race, Rochester https://greentopia.org/ (585) 287-5560 info@greentopia.orgGroundswell Center for Local Food & Farming
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/groundswell-center-for-local-food-farmingGroundswell Center for Local Food & Farming is training the next generation of sustainable farmers in the Finger Lakes. They support individuals to develop agricultural skills and grow profitable, equitable and ecologically sound farm businesses. They work to dismantle racism in the food system by addressing inequalities in access to land and resources and prioritizing support for underrepresented producers including people of color, refugees, women and individuals with limited resources.
225 S Fulton St, Ithaca http://www.groundswellcenter.org (607) 319-5095 info@groundswellcenter.orgIbero-American Action League
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ibero-american-action-leagueIbero is a dual language agency that uplifts, empowers, and advocates for Latinos and the underserved in Rochester – including children, youth, and the elderly – through an array of social services and community education programs.
124 Evergreen St, Rochester https://www.ibero.org/ (585) 256-8900 information@iaal.orgIthaca Neighborhood Housing Services
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ithaca-neighborhood-housing-servicesINHS is dedicated to helping people of modest incomes find and stay in high-quality housing throughout central New York, a goal that benefits the entire community. They’re accomplishing this by providing low-interest loans to first-time home buyers, managing well-maintained rental units, rehabbing old homes, providing home-repair assistance to seniors, building new LEED-certified green houses, and more.
115 W Clinton St, Ithaca http://www.ithacanhs.org/ (607) 277-4500 jfetterly@ithacanhs.orgMetro Justice
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/metro-justiceMetro Justice seeks a better, more just world, free of economic, racial, and social injustice. They know that the way to move closer to this world is through an organized, collective struggle for justice. Their campaigns for specific social justice demands are the heart of their work. The 7-point Fight for Economic Justice vision statement is central to their work and helps inform what campaigns they take on.
The Hungerford Building, 1115 East Main Street https://www.metrojustice.org/ (585) 397-3540 action@metrojustice.orgMove to Amend - Ithaca
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/move-to-amend---ithacaFormed in September 2009, Move to Amend is a coalition of hundreds of organizations and hundreds of thousands of individuals committed to social and economic justice, ending corporate rule, and building a vibrant democracy that is genuinely accountable to the people, not corporate interests.
511 N Albany St, Ithaca https://www.movetoamend.org/ (607) 241-3685 info@ithacamovetoamend.orgPro Action of Steuben and Yates, Inc
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/pro-action-of-steuben-and-yates,-incPro Action works to build a community of resilient individuals and families who can meet their basic needs, overcome adversity, and prosper. Their comprehensive family of services empowers participants to access a broad network of support while promoting efficiency in service delivery. An important part of Pro Action’s work is to build knowledge and understanding of the causes and conditions of poverty.
117 East Steuben Street, Bath http://proactioninc.org (607) 776-2125 info@proactioninc.orgRedbyrd Orchard Cider
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/redbyrd-orchard-ciderRedbyrd Orchard is a small cidery and certified biodynamic orchard growing heirloom, wild seedling, and cider apples. Redbyrd is committed to making the world a better place, and a portion of sales form the orchard are contributed to the Ganondagan, the original Native American inhabitants of the land on which the orchard is located. All proceeds from their Black is Gold cider, made in collaboration with Black Diamond Cider, go to organizations fighting for racial equity such as OAR Tompkins County and the Food Justice Project. Redbyrd also works to develop new wild apple hybrids, which are uniquely suited for the Finger Lakes region as well as being more disease resistant than traditional cultivars, and provide grafting wood to those interested in cultivating these trees.
4491 Reynolds Road, Trumansburg https://redbyrdorchardcider.com/ (607) 793-1428 redbyrdorchardcider@gmail.comRescue Mission Alliance
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rescue-mission-allianceThe Rescue Mission Alliance strives to share hope, end hunger and homelessness, change lives and strengthen communities one person at a time. They operate in the communities of Syracuse, Auburn, Binghamton and Ithaca with programs tailored to each community. Among the services, they offer are emergency shelter, meals, supportive permanent housing, employment resources, and spiritual care. In all of their locations, case managers help guests develop individual plans and connect with the support they need to leave homelessness and hunger behind.
155 Gifford Street, Syracuse https://rescuemissionalliance.org/ (315) 472-6251 info@rmsyr.orgRochester Workers' Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rochester-workers-centerRochester Workers' Center is a community-based, democratic, worker organization, a place where communities join together to defend their rights and build relationships. Their aim is to educate, empower, and unite.
150 South Clinton Avenue, Rochester https://workerscny.org/en/tag/rochester/ rocrapidresponse@gmail.comSteuben County Green Party
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/steuben-county-green-partyThe Steuben County Green Party formed in 2002. They work on Green issues and run candidates in local, state and federal elections. They have planning meetings or conference calls on the 3rd Monday of each month, and have regular public meetings alternating between Bath, Corning and Hornell.
Corning, NY https://steubengreens.org/ joe@steubengreens.orgSyracuse Peace Council
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/syracuse-peace-councilThe Syracuse Peace Council (SPC), founded in 1936, is an antiwar and social justice organization. They are community-based, autonomous and funded by the contributions of supporters. SPC educates, agitates and organizes for a world where war, violence and exploitation in any form will no longer exist. They challenge the existing unjust power relationships among nations, among people and between people and the environment, and are committed to nonviolent means of conflict resolution and to a process of decision-making that responds to everyone's needs.
2013 E Genesee St, Syracuse http://www.peacecouncil.net (315) 472-5478 spc@peacecouncil.netThrifty Shopper
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/thrifty-shopperMore than 50 years ago, the Rescue Mission opened its first thrift store to both provide affordable clothing and generate income to support its programs. Today, the Rescue Mission operates 16 Thrifty Shopper stores in eight central New York counties, which help generate revenue needed annually to provide Rescue Mission programs and services to end hunger and homelessness.
155 Gifford Street, Syracuse https://www.ishopthrifty.org (315) 472-6251 info@ishopthrifty.orgTompkins Time Traders
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tompkins-time-tradersA not-for-profit community organization that provides a time exchange network of services and goods for all residents of Tompkins County, empowering individuals to utilize their skills and enhance their lives, neighborhood and community.
944 Dryden Road, Ithaca https://hourworld.org/bank/?hw=1017 (607) 319-4724 info@tompkinstimetraders.netUplift Syracuse
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/uplift-syracuseUplift Syracuse is a progressive advocacy group, working to create a more equitable city by supporting social justice efforts throughout the surrounding region. They are developing a grassroots network to push for changes they hope to see in New York, including a single payer healthcare system, a transition to renewable energy, increased educational funding and equality, housing and economic justice, police reform, and reversing the trends in urban segregation. They organize events that increase outreach efforts and education, support progressive candidates running for public office who share these goals, and will continue to push for legislative and electoral change at the city, county, and state level.
Syracuse, NY https://www.facebook.com/upliftsyracuse/ upliftsyracuse315@gmail.comWords Into Deeds
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/words-into-deedsWords Into Deeds brings cutting edge methods, and resources designed to promote greater youth awareness of and engagement in local and global human rights issues, helping them develop skills and confidence as informed, empowered, active citizens through the use of workshops, seminars, individual consulting, access to global platforms, and classroom activities.
211 West Remington Road, Ithaca http://www.wordsintodeeds.org/ (607) 882-0589 gertrude.noden@gmail.comWorker Justice Center of New York - Western New York Office
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/worker-justice-center-of-new-york---western-new-york-officeThe Worker Justice Center of New York pursues justice for those denied human rights with a focus on agricultural and other low-wage workers, through legal representation, community empowerment and advocacy for institutional change.
1187 Culver Rd, Rochester http://www.wjcny.org/ (800) 724-7020 info@wjcny.orgWorkers Center Of The Southern Tier of New York
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/workers-center-of-the-southern-tier-of-new-yorkThe Workers Center of the Southern Tier of New York is a grassroots organization focused upon promoting dignity and human rights in the workplace that will bring about economic justice. Through community organizing, leadership development, popular education and policy advocacy, the Workers Center endeavors to empower low-wage workers to combat workplace abuses and improve wages and working conditions throughout the community. The Workers Center facilitates worker empowerment and leadership development through training related to workers’ rights and occupational health and safety, orchestrates campaigns to combat wage theft, promotes employer compliance with the law, and engages in organizing and coalition-building to push for policies that will increase wages and workplace standards.
17 Main St, Binghamton https://www.facebook.com/wcstny (607) 542-9299 wcstny@gmail.com