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All > #affordable-housing
City Roots Community Land Trust
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/city-roots-community-land-trustCity Roots Community Land Trust was founded in 2016 and works to establish and promote permanent affordability, development without displacement, and community wealth building within Rochester, NY.
1115 East Main Street, Rochester http://CityRootsCLT.org/ (585) 576-9900 info@cityrootsclt.orgGreater Syracuse Tenants Network
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/greater-syracuse-tenants-networkThe Greater Syracuse Tenants Network (Tenants Network) supports housing in Central New York by assisting low-income tenants to obtain and preserve safe and affordable rental housing. Its approach is to organize tenants into associations at individual low-income properties to represent their interests with the management, supervisory agencies such as DHCR and HUD, and in community forums. The key to this approach is providing leadership development training, information, education and counseling to tenant leaders and individuals, who then become the leaders of the tenant associations. The Tenants Network provides counseling, outreach and referrals to assist tenants to transition into home ownership. It conducts training for landlords and human service workers.
Syracuse, NY http://www.syracusetenant.org/ (315) 475-8092 info@syracusetenant.orgHabitat for Humanity of Tompkins and Cortland Counties
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/habitat-for-humanity-of-tompkins-and-cortland-countiesHabitat for Humanity of Tompkins and Cortland Counties is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, a global, nonprofit housing organization. They partner with first-time homebuyers in our community to help them build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homebuyers invest “Sweat Equity” hours by working alongside volunteers to build their own home or the homes of other Habitat families. In addition to construction, homeowners-to-be earn Sweat Equity by volunteering at events, assisting with administrative tasks, and taking financial and homeownership training classes. Children can even help their parents earn Sweat Equity by getting good grades in school. Upon completion of construction, Habitat homeowners purchase their house and pay an affordable mortgage. These mortgage payments are used to fund construction of more Habitat homes.
14 West Main Street, Dryden https://tchabitat.com/ (607) 844-3529 info@tchabitat.comHuman Services Coalition
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/human-services-coalitionThe mission of the Human Services Coalition is to enhance the delivery of health and human services in the Tompkins County area. Human Services Planning encourages cooperation among providers to develop well-organized service delivery systems and provides links to local, regional, and national decision-makers. It convenes the Homeless & Housing Task Force, the Continuum of Care, and monthly Human Services Forums. The Health Planning Council conducts community health planning, promotes the development of needed health services and resources, increases access to health care services, and encourages the integration of the various components into a functioning system. 2-1-1 Tompkins/Cortland – Information and Referral (2-1-1) connects people in need with services designed to address that need by providing a central telephone information service, chat line, and maintaining a data base of community information.
171 E State St, Ithaca http://hsctc.org (607) 273-8686 nroulstin@hsctc.orgIthaca Neighborhood Housing Services
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ithaca-neighborhood-housing-servicesINHS is dedicated to helping people of modest incomes find and stay in high-quality housing throughout central New York, a goal that benefits the entire community. They’re accomplishing this by providing low-interest loans to first-time home buyers, managing well-maintained rental units, rehabbing old homes, providing home-repair assistance to seniors, building new LEED-certified green houses, and more.
115 W Clinton St, Ithaca http://www.ithacanhs.org/ (607) 277-4500 jfetterly@ithacanhs.orgNeighbor to Neighbor
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/neighbor-to-neighborNeighbor to Neighbor (formerly Love Knows No Bounds) is a volunteer-run non-profit that collects and delivers good quality donated beds and furniture, and performs critical home repairs to ensure that neighbors live in a safe, functional, and comfortable home. They are working toward a world in which the housing needs of the most vulnerable citizens in our community are at the forefront of people’s consciousness.
Ithaca, NY 14850 http://n2ntompkins.org/index.html Questions@n2ntompkins.orgPathStone Home Rehabilitation and Energy Services
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/pathstone-home-rehabilitation-and-energy-servicesPathStone Home Rehabilitation & Energy Service programs create and preserve assets for low- and moderate-income individuals, families, and communities through coordinated housing rehabilitation. They also provide energy services and community-based revitalization programs. They specialize in providing resources and access to appropriate financing and advocacy to support homeowners across the Rochester / Finger Lakes region and in Muncie, Indiana. They offer free assistance in applying for a variety of NYSERDA programs, advice on how to make your home more energy efficient, and technical knowledge to help you communicate with local contractors participating in these programs. These programs include Home Performance and Assisted Home Performance for energy conservation, NY-Sun for solar electricity, and Clean Heating and Cooling Campaign for heat pump water heater.
400 East Avenue, Rochester https://pathstoneenergyinfo.org/ (800) 888-6770 saveenergy@pathstone.orgPro Action of Steuben and Yates, Inc
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/pro-action-of-steuben-and-yates,-incPro Action works to build a community of resilient individuals and families who can meet their basic needs, overcome adversity, and prosper. Their comprehensive family of services empowers participants to access a broad network of support while promoting efficiency in service delivery. An important part of Pro Action’s work is to build knowledge and understanding of the causes and conditions of poverty.
117 East Steuben Street, Bath http://proactioninc.org (607) 776-2125 info@proactioninc.orgRescue Mission Alliance
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rescue-mission-allianceThe Rescue Mission Alliance strives to share hope, end hunger and homelessness, change lives and strengthen communities one person at a time. They operate in the communities of Syracuse, Auburn, Binghamton and Ithaca with programs tailored to each community. Among the services, they offer are emergency shelter, meals, supportive permanent housing, employment resources, and spiritual care. In all of their locations, case managers help guests develop individual plans and connect with the support they need to leave homelessness and hunger behind.
155 Gifford Street, Syracuse https://rescuemissionalliance.org/ (315) 472-6251 info@rmsyr.orgSchuyler County Habitat for Humanity
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/schuyler-county-habitat-for-humanitySchuyler County Habitat for Humanity is a Local Partner with Yates County Habitat for Humanity, an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. They are located in the heart of the Finger Lakes in Upstate New York. Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, ecumenical Christian housing organization that works in partnership with people in need to build and renovate decent, affordable housing. The houses then are sold to those in need at no profit.
Watkins Glen, NY 14891 https://www.facebook.com/Habitat-for-Humanity-of-Schuyler-County-1558028464463089/ info@schuylerhabitat.orgSecond Wind Cottages
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/second-wind-cottagesThe mission of Second Wind Cottages is to house and walk with people toward restored lives. A not-for-profit organization that provides a place where homeless men can find a safe home in a beautiful setting with a supportive environment and they can learn the life skills necessary to reintegrate into society, it is situated on seven acres of land in Newfield, NY. The restoration process always includes regular meetings with staff to assess areas for growth and support. Other resources available on-site include a drug and alcohol counselor, GED assistance, Christian fellowship and support, life skills training, meals and social events such as movie nights with other residents and the larger community, laundry facilities, exercise equipment, and a food pantry. Additionally, they partner with a wide array of private and government agencies to support the residents at Second Wind.
Newfield, NY https://www.secondwindcottages.org/ (607) 564-6087 secondwindcottages@gmail.comSimply Installs LLC
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/simply-installs-llcSimply Installs specializes in the installation of Air Source Heat Pump Systems. They can typically provide system pricing with some simple information, without having to go out to your home or place of business.
1378 New York 444, Victor http://www.simply-installs.com (585) 698-7876 info@simply-installs.comSyracuse United Neighbors
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/syracuse-united-neighborsSyracuse United Neighbors (SUN) is a grassroots neighborhood group that organizes residents in low income neighborhoods. They help create active knowledgeable and involved citizens that make their streets, neighborhoods and city better. Issues that they address include housing that is affordable and in decent condition, equal access to quality public services, and environmental justice for all neighborhoods.
1540 South Salina Street, Syracuse https://sunaction.wordpress.com/ (315) 476-7475 sun@sunaction.orgTompkins Community Action
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tompkins-community-actionSince 1966, Tompkins Community Action, a private not-for-profit charitable organization has implemented programs that today partner with more than 6,000 individuals and families in Tompkins County. TCAction partners with low-income households and individuals as they develop to their full potential. They perform weatherization, home performance, building energy solutions, and home energy audits.
701 Spencer Rd, Ithaca http://www.tcaction.org/ (607) 273-8816 INFO@tcactionweb.orgTompkins County Workers' Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tompkins-county-workers-centerThe vision of the Tompkins County Workers’ Center is that all people are respected in the workplace, have a Living Wage, the right to organize, quality health care, housing, childcare, transportation, and access to healthy food and water, as guaranteed by the Declaration of Universal Human Rights as ratified by the United Nations in 1948.
115 E M.L.K. Jr. St, Ithaca https://www.tcworkerscenter.org/ (607) 269-0409 TCWRH@tcworkerscenter.orgUplift Syracuse
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/uplift-syracuseUplift Syracuse is a progressive advocacy group, working to create a more equitable city by supporting social justice efforts throughout the surrounding region. They are developing a grassroots network to push for changes they hope to see in New York, including a single payer healthcare system, a transition to renewable energy, increased educational funding and equality, housing and economic justice, police reform, and reversing the trends in urban segregation. They organize events that increase outreach efforts and education, support progressive candidates running for public office who share these goals, and will continue to push for legislative and electoral change at the city, county, and state level.
Syracuse, NY https://www.facebook.com/upliftsyracuse/ upliftsyracuse315@gmail.comViridius Property
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/viridius-propertyViridius Property is an apartment property management company committed to providing high-quality affordable housing while also reducing the carbon footprint of all their units.
317 N Aurora St, Ithaca http://www.viridiusproperty.com (607) 269-7200 Jalisa@ViridiusProperty.com