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Alliance for a Green Economy
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/alliance-for-a-green-economyAlliance for a Green Economy (AGREE) works for safe, affordable energy and the development of a green economy in New York State. AGREE's goal is a prosperous, safe, and healthy New York, fulfilling the promise of conservation, energy efficiency, and safe, clean renewable energy sources to end our state's reliance on wasteful and environmentally destructive forms of energy. AGREE works to promote this transition to a carbon-free and nuclear-free future and educates the public about alternatives that can revitalize the economy and safeguard human health and the environment.
2013 E Genesee St, Syracuse http://allianceforagreeneconomy.org/ (315) 480-1515 info@allianceforagreeneconomy.orgAmerican Solar Grazing Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/american-solar-grazing-associationASGA promotes grazing livestock on solar installations. They are developing best practices that support shepherds and solar developers to both effectively manage solar installations and create new agribusiness profits.
Ithaca, NY https://www.solargrazing.org/ info@solargrazing.orgAtlantic States Legal Foundation
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/atlantic-states-legal-foundationAtlantic States Legal Foundation, Inc. (ASLF) is a New York chartered not-for-profit corporation founded in 1982 with its purpose being to provide technical, legal, and organizing services to a variety of citizens, citizen groups, local governments, and others on a wide variety of environmental issues. We are creative problem solvers trying to advance environmental sanity through the implementation of projects that in addition to their intrinsic merit, can be prototypes for similar efforts elsewhere by ourselves and others.
658 W Onondaga St, Syracuse http://www.aslf.org/ (315) 475-1170 Atlantic.States@aslf.orgCayuga Climate Action
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-climate-actionCayuga Climate Action seeks to educate, advocate, and act on the climate crisis to protect and restore our lakes and lands. Their objectives are to restore Cayuga County’s biodiversity, transition communities to 100% renewable energy, foster recycling, composting, and waste education and reduction, and to align themselves and the county in a right relationship with the planet.
Phoenix Building Havana Room, 2 South Street https://www.facebook.com/cayugaclimateaction/ (248) 565-6272 cayugaclimateaction@gmail.comCentral New York Regional Planning and Development Board – Energy Management
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/central-new-york-regional-planning-and-development-board-–-energy-managementThe primary goal of the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board's Energy Management program is to promote the use of energy conservation measures and alternative energy development in Central New York. To help achieve this goal, the CNY RPDB received designation in 2007 by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to serve as the Energy Smart Communities Coordinator in Central New York. This designation provided the agency an opportunity to increase its commitment to helping individuals, businesses, and local units of government access a range of technical assistance services and financial resources which are available to support energy initiatives in their communities.
126 N Salina St, Syracuse http://www.cnyrpdb.org/programs/energy.asp (315) 422-8276 mail@cnyrpdb.orgCitizens Campaign for the Environment
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/citizens-campaign-for-the-environmentCitizens Campaign for the Environment is a 120,000-member organization with offices in Syracuse, Farmingdale, Albany, and Buffalo in NY, and in Hamden, CT. CCE works to empower the public by providing members with opportunities to participate in the political process and thereby advance a strong environmental agenda. CCE engages in extensive education, research, lobbying and public outreach. One of their primary goals is to help citizens increase their influence and participation in important environmental campaigns, gaining a stronger voice in the development of public policies and legislative agendas. CCE's experienced program staff works to identify key environmental concerns in communities across New York State and Connecticut. By working with other organizations in diverse coalitions and through ongoing communication with local, state and federal elected officials and environmental and public health agencies, CCE has been successful in advancing programs that benefit the natural environment and public health. Their achievements through public involvement have resulted in greater awareness and protection of drinking water quality, preservation of open spaces, protection of beaches, bays, rivers, and Great Lakes waters, advancing renewable energy, and reductions in air and water pollutants.
2000 Teall Avenue, Syracuse https://www.citizenscampaign.org/ (315) 472-1339 syracuse@citizenscampaign.orgCitizens' Climate Lobby of Rochester
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/citizens-climate-lobby-of-rochesterCitizens’ Climate Lobby is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization laser-focused on a specific piece of legislation and a proven strategy to gain its passage. They are working for the passage of Carbon Fee and Dividend, the climate change solution economists and climate scientists alike say is the “best first-step” to preventing the worst impacts of a warming world.
Rochester, New York 14623 https://www.facebook.com/CCLrochester/ (619) 437-7142 nyrochester@citizensclimatelobby.orgClean Communities of Central New York
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/clean-communities-of-central-new-yorkClean Communities of CNY strives to advance the nation’s economic, environmental, and energy security by supporting local decisions to adopt practices that contribute to the reduction of petroleum consumption. They have a network of approximately 90 volunteer coalitions, which develop public/private partnerships to promote alternative fuels and advanced vehicles, fuel blends, fuel economy, hybrid vehicles, and idle reduction.
727 E Washington St, Syracuse http://www.ccofcny.com/ (315) 278-2061Climate Change Awareness and Action
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-change-awareness-and-actionIt is imperative to increase awareness and spur action on climate change: to support fair and just public policies and legislation, to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, to support regenerative agriculture and conservation. Climate Change Awareness & Action (CCAA) was formed for the purpose of educating others and actively working towards reversing the anthropogenic climate disruption that threatens the earth. They are a local 350.org group based in Syracuse, NY. As a local group, they have access to invaluable resources, including training and networking opportunities, helpful documents for planning and education, access to discussion groups, access to early announcements for 350.org events, and more. CCAA was formed in 2015 by a group of volunteers who spent countless hours working to educate and push others to take action in the fight against climate change.
Syracuse, NY https://www.climatechange-action.com/ (315) 308-0846 cc.awareness.action@gmail.comClimate Reality Project, Finger Lakes Greater Region of NY Chapter
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-reality-project,-finger-lakes-greater-region-of-ny-chapterThis chapter of The Climate Reality Project includes Binghamton, Syracuse, Ithaca, Elmira, Corning, Rochester, and areas in between. Their mission is to educate and mobilize all who reside in the region to take urgent climate action across every level of society, while ensuring that all individuals feel respected and included. Their purview includes climate mitigation, community adaptation and sustainable/regenerative development in response to the climate emergency.
1 Rocky Ln, Ithaca https://climaterealityfingerlakes.org (607) 279-3088 tjhirasuna@mac.comClimate Smart Farming Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-smart-farming-program-The Climate Smart Farming Program of the Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions is a voluntary initiative that helps farmers in New York and the Northeastern US to increase agricultural productivity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase farm resilience to extreme weather and climate variability. Their website serves as an interactive platform that integrates climate information in order to support decision-making at a farm or agricultural-system scale within a specific region.
Cornell University 102-105 Rice Hall, Ithaca http://climatesmartfarming.org/ (607) 254-4942 climatesmartsolutions@gmail.comClimate Solutions Accelerator of the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-solutions-accelerator-of-the-genesee-finger-lakes-regionThe Climate Solutions Accelerator is an inclusive, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to inspiring and facilitating a large-scale climate mobilization in the nine-county Genesee-Finger Lakes Region.Their mission is to create a healthier, more equitable, and environmentally sustainable community by catalyzing local efforts to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and address the effects of climate change. Their vision is a thriving region on a healthy planet, achieved through bold, systemic climate solutions that promote prosperity and security for all.
758 South Avenue, Rochester http:// www.climategfl.org (585) 461-1023 hello@climategfl.orgCornell Cooperative Extension of Steuben County
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-cooperative-extension-of-steuben-countyThe mission of Cooperative Extension is to enable people to improve their lives and communities through partnerships that put experience and research knowledge to work. Extension staff and trained volunteers deliver education programs, conduct applied research, and encourage community collaborations. Their educators connect people with the information they need on topics such as commercial and consumer agriculture; nutrition and health; youth and families; finances; energy efficiency; economic and community development; and sustainable natural resources. CCE-Steuben is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization and is part of the Cooperative Extension land grant system, a partnership between County, State, and Federal governments that is administered in New York State through Cornell University. Each county's Cooperative Extension association is independent and works to serve the needs of the county in which it is located.
20 East Morris Street, Bath http://putknowledgetowork.org/ (607) 664-2300 steuben@cornell.eduCornell Energy Systems Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-energy-systems-instituteThe mission of the Cornell Energy Systems Institute (CESI) is to "make smart energy systems with low carbon footprint the norm through innovations in materials, technology, and systems design.” In pursuit of this mission, the institute intends to take on an ambitious agenda spanning discovery research to technology translation. The goal is to catalyze the frontier research on materials, devices, data analytics, and intelligent systems architectures required to lower cost, improve performance, and reduce the carbon footprints of energy systems. The institute also serves as a hub for subject matter experts, programs, and multi-user facilities designed to translate energy-focused research discoveries to prototypes and prototypes to commercial practice.
134 Hollister Drive 171A Kimball Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 https://energy.cornell.edu/about-us (607) 255-5003 mmp259@cornell.eduCornell Environmental Collaborative (ECO)
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-environmental-collaborative-(eco)Cornell Environmental Collaborative was established in 2013. Our founders saw the redundancy and disorder among environmental groups on campus. In establishing ECO, the organizations are able to coordinate with each other in order to effectively promote environmental awareness to Cornell students. Our mission is to increase dialogue among environmental organizations and all other interested organizations; launch and uphold meaningful venues for reducing negative environmental impact; and provide opportunities for all students to gain knowledge and experience in relevant issues.
Cradit Farm Dr, Ithaca https://cornelleco.org/ (607) 255-6375 eco.cornell@gmail.comCornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-institute-for-climate-smart-solutionsThe Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions (CICSS) builds stakeholder capacity and works toward a future where agricultural, environmental, and social systems are resilient in the face of a rapidly changing climate and have reduced their impacts on the climate system. Its mission is to carry out and facilitate interdisciplinary research, develop new resources and decision tools for stakeholders, train farmers, community members, youth, and policymakers to help them mitigate and adapt to climate change, and build partnerships and engage stakeholders to co-develop climate change solutions.
Cornell University, Rice Hall https://www.adaptationclearinghouse.org/organizations/cornell-institute-for-climate-smart-solutions.html (607) 254-4942 climatesmartsolutions@gmail.comCornell Small Farms Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-small-farms-programTheir mission is to foster the sustainability of diverse, thriving small farms that contribute to food security, healthy rural communities, and the environment. Cornell Small Farms Program accomplishes this by encouraging small farms-focused research and extension programs and fostering collaboration in support of small farms.
Plant Science Bldg, Ithaca http://smallfarms.cornell.edu (607) 255-9227 smallfarmsprogram@cornell.eduCornell University Atkinson Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-university-atkinson-centerThe David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future empowers faculty to think outside of their departments and across disciplines when it comes to tackling the world's greatest challenge—creating a vital and resilient future for the global community. By providing start-up funding for cross-college collaborations, emergency research, and partnerships with non-profits, government, and industry, the Atkinson Center supports the pioneering risk-takers at the very heart of radical collaboration through multiple funds and fellowship program.
Cornell University, Ithaca http://www.atkinson.cornell.edu/ (607) 255-7535 acsf@cornell.eduCorning Global Energy Management Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/corning-global-energy-management-programThe Corning Global Energy Management Program has a long-term view of energy conservation and global energy management that includes the environmentally responsible and cost-effective use of energy in their facilities around the world. GEM teams at every Corning facility around the world execute five strategies to achieve this mission: 1. Continuously improve energy, water, and natural resource management in operations. 2. Incorporate energy, water, and natural resource innovation in product development, product design, and manufacturing processes. 3. Engage employees and suppliers in energy, water, and natural resource management. 4. Ensure Corning meets customer requirements regarding energy, water, and natural resource utilization. 5. Analyze and communicate Corning’s progress and successes in energy, water, and natural resource innovation to internal and external stakeholders.
1 Riverfront Plaza, Corning https://www.corning.com/worldwide/en/sustainability/preservation/global-energy-management.html (607) 974-9000 inquiries@corning.comEagle Envelope
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/eagle-envelopeEagle Envelope is a print shop for envelopes and everything you put inside them. Forest Stewardship Council Certification and Rain Forest Council Certification. Everything is printed with 100% wind power generated in New York State that produces zero carbon emissions.
1891 Trumansburg Road, Jacksonville http://www.eagleprint.com (800) 868-0235 orders@eagleprint.comEarth Sensitive Solutions, LLC
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/earth-sensitive-solutions,-llcEarth Sensitive Solutions, LLC (ESS) is a geothermal heat pump system engineering and consulting firm committed to reducing their collective environmental footprint. ESS has developed geothermal heat pump systems around the globe and possibly in your back yard. ESS specializes in Geothermal heat pumps, solar thermal heating and domestic hot water, solar assisted geothermal heating, thermal conductivity testing, energy modeling, LEED consulting for EAc1, ASHRAE90.1 Appendix G energy assessments, and 3D system design.
Skaneateles, NY 13152 https://www.linkedin.com/company/earth-sensitive-solutions-llc/about/ (315) 253-3779 info@earthsensitive.comEcoVillage at Ithaca
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ecovillage-at-ithacaEcoVillage at Ithaca is part of a growing global movement for a saner, more sustainable human culture. Comprising an intentional community and a non-profit educational organization, the project is developing an alternative model for suburban living which provides a satisfying, healthy, socially rich lifestyle, while minimizing ecological impacts. EcoVillage currently includes two 30-home cohousing neighborhoods, FROG and SONG, with a third 40-home cohousing neighborhood, TREE, completed in 2015. The village is also home to an organic CSA vegetable farm, an organic CSA/U-Pick berry farm, office spaces for entrepreneurs, a neighborhood root cellar, community gardens, and meadows, ponds and woodlands. Over 80% of the 175 acre site is planned to remain green space, including 50 acres in a conservation easement held by the Finger Lakes Land Trust.
212 Rachel Carson Way, Ithaca http://ecovillageithaca.org/ (866) 529-4465 learn@ecovillageithaca.orgEngineers for a Sustainable World
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/engineers-for-a-sustainable-worldEngineers for a Sustainable World aims to forage innovative, lasting solutions to local and global sustainability challenges. Members of this team participate in projects pertaining to Solar Powered Solutions, Renewable energy Design and Bio fuels. Talks take place every semester by local professors and industry experts to educate people about sustainable initiatives in their area. These talks are open to the public so that we can educate the greater population about the work that needs to be done to create a lasting community. Tours also take place of the Ithaca area to highlight the local sustainable practices as well as learn about different types of sustainability.
107 Hollister Hall, Ithaca https://esw.engineering.cornell.edu/ eswcornell@gmail.comExtinction Rebellion Ithaca
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/extinction-rebellion-ithacaExtinction Rebellion is a worldwide movement to raise awareness of the ecological/climate crisis and agitate for swift and serious responses. Extinction Rebellion Ithaca, started in summer 2019, is a growing local group that is seeking to further XR’s goals locally and nationally through education, creative culture jamming and nonviolent direct action.
115 E M.L.K. Jr. St, Ithaca https://www.xrithaca.org/ xr.ithaca@protonmail.comFinger Lakes Climate Fund
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-climate-fundThe Finger Lakes Climate Fund works to promote energy efficiency projects in the Finger Lakes area while strengthening our regional economy and assisting local families in need. Carbon offset donations are used for grants to fund energy efficiency projects that would not otherwise be possible in low to moderate income households in the Finger Lakes region. These grants help pay for insulation, air sealing, energy efficient heating equipment, and other upgrades to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. The Finger Lakes Climate Fund is also investigating other cost-effective local carbon offset projects such as solar hot water, solar photovoltaic, biomass heating, and other renewable energy projects. The Finger Lakes Climate Fund is a way for people to support our community while offsetting their home, plane, or vehicle pollution.
309 N Aurora St, Ithaca http://fingerlakesclimatefund.org/ (607) 272-1720 gay@sustainabletompkins.orgFour Winds Energy
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/four-winds-energyFour Winds is a full service renewable energy company, dedicated to providing its customers with the very best in renewable energy products and services. They offer a wide range of system sizes, from full sized "turn key" systems, right down to providing the "do-it yourselfer" with the proper components. They primarily specialize in stand alone solar and wind electric systems, grid connected wind and solar electric systems and solar and wind powered water pumping systems. Roy Butler is a NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer and a NYSERDA Eligible Installer for the NY State PV and wind incentive programs.
8902 County Road 46, Arkport http://www.four-winds-energy.com/ (607) 324-9747 Roy@four-winds-energy.comGO Ithaca
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/go-ithacaGO Ithaca is a membership-based program hosted by the Downtown Ithaca Alliance, which provides transportation benefits discounts, and resources to employees, employers, and residents within the Downtown Ithaca area. These increase local access to Ithaca Carshare, carpooling programs, TCAT buses, and emergency rides home when shared or active transportation fails.
171 E State St, Ithaca https://www.goithaca.org/ (607) 391-1389 support@goithaca.orgHalco Energy
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/halco-energyHalco provides quality heating and air conditioning, home insulation and plumbing services to residential and commercial clients in The Finger Lakes. From repairing and servicing your heating or cooling system to adding insulation to plumbing repairs and installation, they have the expertise, training and products to solve your home's needs. Halco is an Energy Star Top Home Performance Contractor, BBB Accredited Business, BPI Goldstar Contractor, and part of NABCEP - the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners.
865 Co Rd 6, Phelps http://www.halcoenergy.com/ (315) 946-6200 info@halco.comHuntGreen LLC
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/huntgreen-llcHuntGreen provides expert policy, political, and investment advising on energy, agriculture, transportation, and the environment. They help businesses and investors anticipate and respond to changing markets, technologies, policies, political dynamics, and other risks and opportunities. They work with policymakers to address climate, energy, food, security, and green design challenges. Their clients include government agencies, companies, private equity firms, clean technology entrepreneurs, investors, educational institutions, foundations, individuals, and non-profit organizations.
187 W Lake Rd, Branchport http://www.huntgreenllc.comIndependent Science News
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/independent-science-newsScientific inventions and ideas shape the future. As science becomes ever more beset by commercial and ideological pressures, there is urgent need for scientific reporting and analysis from an independent, expert, public interest perspective. With this standard, Independent Science News works to shape a future that is biodiverse, just, and healthy for everyone.
Ithaca, NY 14850 https://www.independentsciencenews.org/ (607) 319-0279 info@independentsciencenews.orgMothers Out Front Southern Tier
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/mothers-out-front-southern-tierMothers Out Front members are mothers, grandmothers, and other caregivers who are coming together to make climate change an issue that leaders can no longer ignore. They are building a powerful grassroots movement to ensure a swift, complete, and just transition away from fossil fuels and toward clean and renewable energy.
126 S Main St, Horseheads https://www.facebook.com/mothersoutfrontsoutherntier lisa.marshall@mothersoutfront.orgNew York Climate Change Science Clearinghouse
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-climate-change-science-clearinghouseThe NYCCSC provides access to resources relevant to mitigation of, adaptation to, and building resiliency for climate change in New York State. This includes information about greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric concentrations, projected temperature and precipitation changes, climate effects such as sea level rise and extreme weather events, and more. It also catalogs specific vulnerabilities, risks, and strategies for and across sectors, including agriculture, water resources, coastal zones, ecosystems, buildings, transportation, telecommunications, energy, and public health. The NYCCSC welcomes policymakers, analysts, scientists, planners, businesses, and the general public to the site; however, the primary intended audiences are local planners and decision-makers and those who support their work.
Ithaca, NY https://www.nyclimatescience.org/ (607) 273-6623 info@nyclimatescience.orgNew York Progressive Action Network of the Southern Finger Lakes
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-progressive-action-network-of-the-southern-finger-lakesNYPAN-SFL is a grassroots organization dedicated to the promotion of progressive issues at the local level. They are inspired by the political movement started by Senator Bernie Sanders but are open to participation from all progressives regardless of their political-party affiliation. Their leadership members meet regularly to plan activities (including public outreach and education around the issues), to build networks, and to recruit and support candidates for public office. They are a chapter of the statewide umbrella group New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN).
10532 NY-54, Hammondsport https://nypansfl.org/ (607) 738-8369 nypan.sfl@gmail.comNew York State Water Resources Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-state-water-resources-instituteThe mission of the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) is to improve the management of water resources in New York State and the nation. As a federally and state-mandated institution located at Cornell University, they are uniquely situated to access scientific and technical resources that are relevant to New York State's and the nation's water management needs. They collaborate with regional, state, and national partners to increase awareness of emerging water resources issues and to develop and assess new water management technologies and policies. WRI connects the water research and water management communities.
Riley Robb Hall, Wing Drive https://wri.cals.cornell.edu/ (607) 254-7163 nyswri@cornell.eduNortheast Regional Climate Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/northeast-regional-climate-centerThe mission of the Northeast Regional Climate Center is to facilitate and enhance the collection, dissemination and use of climate data and information, as well as to monitor and assess climatic conditions and impacts in the twelve-state, northeastern region of the United States. Their activities are intended to further the economic efficiency and general welfare of public and private institutions and individuals in the region.
Cornell University, Bradfield Hall http://www.nrcc.cornell.edu/ (607) 255-1751 nrcc@cornell.eduPachamama Alliance Rochester Area Community
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/pachamama-alliance-rochester-area-communityThe Pachamama Alliance Rochester Area Community (PARA) is dedicated to working collaboratively, building a critical mass of committed global citizens who are inspired, motivated, and empowered to develop awareness and resilience throughout the Rochester area. They deepen their hearts and minds in community gatherings, foster collaboration with other groups, and offer programs to address issues of climate change (Drawdown Initiative), social justice (racism, democracy, gender circles, and more), and empowering everyone to lead engaged and purposeful lives.
Rochester, NY https://www.pachapeopleroc.org padricial@gmail.comRochester Area Interfaith Climate Action
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rochester-area-interfaith-climate-actionThe Rochester Interfaith Climate Alliance is a group of individuals and organizations of faith in the Rochester metropolitan area seeking to create a meaningful response to Climate Change. In doing so they acknowledge their common conviction to care for the earth and its people. Working together, they seek to share resources, leverage their strengths, and magnify their positive impact. Initiatives include collaborative support and resources for greening houses of worship through energy efficiency, community solar, composting, and electric vehicles.
Rochester, NY https://www.raica.net/ (607) 269-8526 contact.raica.net@gmail.comRochester Drawdown
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rochester-drawdownDrawdown (DD) is the point in time when the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases begins to decline on a year-to-year basis. As Ambassadors, Rochester Drawdown works to expand the local impact of the DD solutions and grow & connect the network of DD initiatives.
Rochester, NY https://www.facebook.com/RochesterNYDrawdown/ (585) 734-2816 suestar1@rochester.rr.comRochester Environment
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rochester-environmentRochesterEnvironment.com is an online daily chronicle of environmental news and issues in the Rochester area since 1998. Its archives document many changes, including our steady rise in awareness of climate change. Its features include a calendar, resources, newsletter and updates on all environmental issues and events in Rochester.
Cumberland St, Rochester http://RochesterEnvironment.com frankregan@rochesterenvironment.comSeneca Lake Guardian, a Waterkeeper Alliance Affiliate
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/seneca-lake-guardian,-a-waterkeeper-alliance-affiliateSeneca Lake Guardian is an all-volunteer, grassroots organization whose mission is to preserve and protect the region's air and water from irresponsible industry or development and to ensure that the waters of the Finger Lakes are swimmable, drinkable and fishable for generations to come.
Watkins Glen, NY http://senecalakeguardian.org senecalakeguardian@gmail.comSierra Club Central-Northern New York Group
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/sierra-club-central-northern-new-york-groupAffiliated with the Atlantic Chapter of the Sierra Club, the CNNY (Central & Northern New York) Group (formerly the Iroquois Group) encompasses seven counties and has about 2500 members. Its board of eleven people works diligently to follow the particular environmental issues affecting the region, such as protecting water, lakes, open space, forests, air quality, pollution from fossil fuels, and environmental justice issues.
3736 Apulia Rd, Jamesville https://www.sierraclub.org/atlantic/cnnySimply Installs LLC
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/simply-installs-llcSimply Installs specializes in the installation of Air Source Heat Pump Systems. They can typically provide system pricing with some simple information, without having to go out to your home or place of business.
1378 New York 444, Victor http://www.simply-installs.com (585) 698-7876 info@simply-installs.comSustainability in Geneva
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/sustainability-in-genevaThe City is making strides toward becoming a Certified Climate Smart Community. Just a few accomplishments to date include: *Passing a resolution adopting the Climate Smart Community Pledge; *Creating a Community Climate Smart Community Task Force focused on climate mitigation and adaptation; *Developing a government operations Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory; *Conducting energy audits at municipal buildings and made recommended energy efficiency improvements; *Adopting a comprehensive plan with sustainability elements; *Participated in the development of the Seneca Lake Watershed Management Plan; *Installed rain gardens at the lakefront to manage stormwater runoff.
47 Castle St, Geneva http://cityofgenevany.com/geneva-sustainability/ (315) 789-6104 Sgerling@geneva.ny.usSustainable Finger Lakes
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/sustainable-finger-lakesSustainable Finger Lakes (formerly Sustainable Tompkins) is a community-based organization whose mission is to promote the long-term well-being of the region by integrating social equity, economic vitality, ecological stewardship, and shared responsibility. Since 2004, SFLX has been a leader in laying the groundwork for the transition to a resilient local economy, healthy environment, and strong social fabric. They act as convener, connector, and catalyst to engage grassroots activists and policymakers in the work to redesign regional society to successfully cope with global influences such as climate disruption and energy transitions. Projects and programs have focused on energy efficiency, climate protection, sustainable community development, green collar jobs, sustainable enterprise, and economic/ecological justice.
309 N Aurora St, Ithaca https://sustainablefingerlakes.org/ (607) 272-1720 info@sustainablefingerlakes.orgTompkins County Clean Energy Community
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tompkins-county-clean-energy-communityThe New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) announced that Tompkins County is the first county in the Southern Tier to be designated a Clean Energy Community, recognizing its leadership in reducing energy use, cutting costs and driving clean energy in its communities. This announcement complements Southern Tier Soaring, the regional economic blueprint aimed at attracting a talented workforce, growing business and driving innovation. Communities that complete at least four of ten high impact actions and meet all eligibility requirements are both designated by New York State as a Clean Energy Community and are eligible to apply for grants to fund additional clean energy projects. As the first in its region, Tompkins County is eligible to apply for an award at the maximum funding level of $250,000 to further advance its work in reducing GHG emissions and energy use. It is the policy of Tompkins County to: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to reach a minimum 80 percent reduction from 2008 levels by 2050 and reduce reliance on fossil fuels across all sectors. Improve the energy efficiency of all components of the community energy system. Increase the use of local and regional renewable energy sources and technologies. Increase carbon capture and storage in the county’s forests, wetlands, and soils. Reduce the amount of material disposed in landfills.
121 E Court St, Ithaca http://www.tompkinscountyny.gov/planning/energy-greenhouse-gas (607) 274-5560 kborgella@tompkins-co.govTompkins County Climate Protection Initiative
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tompkins-county-climate-protection-initiativeThe Tompkins County Climate Protection Initiative (TCCPI), with the generous support of the Park Foundation, is a clean energy coalition of local community leaders who are committed to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, greater energy efficiency, and the adoption of renewable energy.
309 N Aurora St, Ithaca http://www.tccpi.org (607) 229-6183 info@tccpi.orgTown of Ithaca Conservation Board
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/town-of-ithaca-conservation-boardThe Town of Ithaca Conservation Board is a volunteer group of Town of Ithaca residents working towards the preservation and protection of the Town's natural and scenic resources, acting in an advisory capacity to the other Town Boards on environmental matters. Issues they address include invasive species management and education, land conservation, waste reduction, and sustainable development.
215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca http://www.town.ithaca.ny.us/conservation-board (600) 727-3174 msmith@town.ithaca.ny.usU.S. Green Building Council New York Upstate
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/us-green-building-council-new-york-upstateUSGBC New York Upstate offers education, outreach, advocacy, and activities for our members and individuals interested in green building in 55 counties in New York State. Their members, volunteers, and Market Leadership Advisory Board are a diverse group, passionate about green buildings and communities. As a member of USGBC New York Upstate, you'll join a diverse, dedicated community of professionals — who design, construct, manage, finance, insure, maintain, own, and occupy buildings.
727 East Washington Street, Syracuse https://www.usgbc.org/chapters/usgbc-new-york-upstate (315) 729-9067 thall@usgbc.org