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Cornell Department of Design and Environmental Analysis
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-department-of-design-and-environmental-analysisThe Department of Design and Environmental Analysis faculty are committed to using a broad-based and diverse set of social science and design methodologies to understand how the planning, design and management of the built environment affects individuals, groups, organizations and communities, and how this knowledge can feed the imagination to generate innovative design solutions to pressing social and cultural issues. They combine innovative design thinking with insightful design research to understand how our daily lives are impacted by the built environment.
116 Reservoir Avenue, Ithaca http://dea.human.cornell.edu (607) 255-2144 dea-admin@cornell.eduCornell Energy Systems Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-energy-systems-instituteThe mission of the Cornell Energy Systems Institute (CESI) is to "make smart energy systems with low carbon footprint the norm through innovations in materials, technology, and systems design.” In pursuit of this mission, the institute intends to take on an ambitious agenda spanning discovery research to technology translation. The goal is to catalyze the frontier research on materials, devices, data analytics, and intelligent systems architectures required to lower cost, improve performance, and reduce the carbon footprints of energy systems. The institute also serves as a hub for subject matter experts, programs, and multi-user facilities designed to translate energy-focused research discoveries to prototypes and prototypes to commercial practice.
134 Hollister Drive 171A Kimball Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 https://energy.cornell.edu/about-us (607) 255-5003 mmp259@cornell.eduCornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-institute-for-climate-smart-solutionsThe Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions (CICSS) builds stakeholder capacity and works toward a future where agricultural, environmental, and social systems are resilient in the face of a rapidly changing climate and have reduced their impacts on the climate system. Its mission is to carry out and facilitate interdisciplinary research, develop new resources and decision tools for stakeholders, train farmers, community members, youth, and policymakers to help them mitigate and adapt to climate change, and build partnerships and engage stakeholders to co-develop climate change solutions.
Cornell University, Rice Hall https://www.adaptationclearinghouse.org/organizations/cornell-institute-for-climate-smart-solutions.html (607) 254-4942 climatesmartsolutions@gmail.comCornell University Atkinson Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-university-atkinson-centerThe David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future empowers faculty to think outside of their departments and across disciplines when it comes to tackling the world's greatest challenge—creating a vital and resilient future for the global community. By providing start-up funding for cross-college collaborations, emergency research, and partnerships with non-profits, government, and industry, the Atkinson Center supports the pioneering risk-takers at the very heart of radical collaboration through multiple funds and fellowship program.
Cornell University, Ithaca http://www.atkinson.cornell.edu/ (607) 255-7535 acsf@cornell.eduDilmun Hill Student Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/dilmun-hill-student-farmDilmun Hill is a student-run farm with a mission to provide students with opportunities for experiential learning, group collaboration and research. Throughout the year, they host work parties where volunteers work in the fields and experience the latest in sustainable agricultural practices. The student managers and steering committee members collaborate with the Organic Coordinator and Faculty Advisors to provide leadership in farm operations and disseminate information through education and outreach.They also collaborate with various organizations on campus, such as MacDaniels Nut Grove. Their popular campus farm stand offers Dilmun Hill produce for sale from June through October and we supply local produce to Cornell Dining and Manndible Café in season.
705 Dryden Road, Ithaca https://cuaes.cals.cornell.edu/farms/dilmun-hill/ dilmunhill@cornell.eduNortheast Regional Climate Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/northeast-regional-climate-centerThe mission of the Northeast Regional Climate Center is to facilitate and enhance the collection, dissemination and use of climate data and information, as well as to monitor and assess climatic conditions and impacts in the twelve-state, northeastern region of the United States. Their activities are intended to further the economic efficiency and general welfare of public and private institutions and individuals in the region.
Cornell University, Bradfield Hall http://www.nrcc.cornell.edu/ (607) 255-1751 nrcc@cornell.eduOnondaga Environmental Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/onondaga-environmental-instituteOEI conducts research to progress the understanding of ecosystems, human interactions with the environment and the effects thereupon. They also perform outreach and education to develop an informed public, promote environmental ethics and build an environmentally conscious citizenry. OEI engages in proper planning to empower the public, community stakeholders, and interested parties to participate in decision-making processes and works for ecological restoration to improve economic, social and environmental conditions.
5795 Widewaters Parkway, Syracuse http://www.oei2.org/ (315) 472-2150 outreach@oei2.orgWild Nectar Mead
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/wild-nectar-meadWild Nectar Mead is a farm meadery inspiring a new mead and jun culture using reverse osmosis water, local honey, herbs, berries, fruits, and other ingredients. They now bottle and keg mead for the public to purchase in local stores and on their website. The farm is powered by solar power on sunny days, and it offers pollinator-friendly plant species, and access to cutting-edge pollinator research and education through their website. Joining the Mead Culture Club allows members to help revive healthy honey bee populations by attending special tasting events, live music, dancing, farm tours, and mead games. Plus, Club members get discounts. They now bottle and keg mead for the public to purchase in local stores and on their website. In addition, Wild Nectar Mead offers mobile event services for weddings and special parties, and upon request, you could have David play the bagpipes at your party.
1853 Black Rock Road, King Ferry https://www.wildnectarmead.com/ (315) 237-9029 info@wildnectarmead.com