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Finger Lakes Zero Waste Coalition
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-zero-waste-coalitionFinger Lakes Zero Waste Coalition is a not-for-profit volunteer organization dedicated to promoting sustainable waste management practices, and to leading the fight to oppose the expansion of landfills for out-of-county and out-of-state garbage. Their mission is to protect the air, land and water quality of the Finger Lakes region, and promote economic development that preserves our greatest asset—the natural beauty of the Finger Lakes.
P.O. Box 865 Geneva, New York 14456 http://www.flzw.org kbr2@twc.comNew York State Pollution Prevention Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-state-pollution-prevention-instituteThe New York State Pollution Prevention Institute is a collaboration of five research universities and manufacturing extension partnerships across New York State.They give businesses, communities, and nonprofits practical tools and solutions to realize the benefits of sustainability for the economy, environment, and society. Their clients receive the expertise and resources needed to achieve outcomes including more efficient use of energy, raw materials, and water, optimized manufacturing processes that generate more business value, elimination of hazardous materials for safer workplaces and communities, and competitive market positioning as part of the green economy and in support of a commitment to environmental stewardship.
111 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester https://www.rit.edu/affiliate/nysp2i/about-nysp2i (585) 475-2511 nysp2i@rit.eduNew York State Water Resources Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-state-water-resources-instituteThe mission of the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) is to improve the management of water resources in New York State and the nation. As a federally and state-mandated institution located at Cornell University, they are uniquely situated to access scientific and technical resources that are relevant to New York State's and the nation's water management needs. They collaborate with regional, state, and national partners to increase awareness of emerging water resources issues and to develop and assess new water management technologies and policies. WRI connects the water research and water management communities.
Riley Robb Hall, Wing Drive https://wri.cals.cornell.edu/ (607) 254-7163 nyswri@cornell.eduOnondaga County Resource Recovery Agency
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/onondaga-county-resource-recovery-agencyOnondaga County Resource Recovery Agency (OCRRA) oversees what happens to the waste and recycling from Onondaga County communities. They offer a range of services that assist county residents and businesses in recycling, composting, reducing waste and more. Currently, OCRRA programs include award-winning recycling and composting programs, a foundation for local waste disposal at the Waste-to-Energy Facility, two convenient trash and recycling drop-off sites, and numerous programs for recycling and disposing of hard-to-manage materials.
100 Elwood Davis Road, Syracuse https://ocrra.org (315) 453-2866 info@ocrra.orgSeneca Lake Guardian, a Waterkeeper Alliance Affiliate
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/seneca-lake-guardian,-a-waterkeeper-alliance-affiliateSeneca Lake Guardian is an all-volunteer, grassroots organization whose mission is to preserve and protect the region's air and water from irresponsible industry or development and to ensure that the waters of the Finger Lakes are swimmable, drinkable and fishable for generations to come.
Watkins Glen, NY http://senecalakeguardian.org senecalakeguardian@gmail.comTompkins County Recycling and Materials Management
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tompkins-county-recycling-and-materials-managementThe mission of the Department of Recycling and Materials Management is to develop and implement a sustainable materials management strategy for Tompkins County. With a focus on the state's solid waste management hierarchy, this approach utilizes and prioritizes environmentally sound, cost-effective, socially responsible, and safe practices. This is accomplished through coordinated administrative, operational, and educational programs that maximize diversion with the 4R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rebuy) as a focal point.
122 Commercial Avenue, Ithaca https://recycletompkins.org/ (607) 273-6632 reducewaste@tompkins-co.orgToxics Targeting
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/toxics-targetingHomes and properties in communities across New York are located on or near toxic sites that can cause health hazards or reduce investment value. Toxic Targeting obtains environmental data from local, state and federal government sources and updates their information on a continuing basis. They provide extensive archival data now withheld from public disclosure due to homeland security concerns.
215 N Cayuga St, Ithaca http://www.toxicstargeting.com (607) 273-3391 info@toxicstargeting.com