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Atlantic States Legal Foundation
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/atlantic-states-legal-foundationAtlantic States Legal Foundation, Inc. (ASLF) is a New York chartered not-for-profit corporation founded in 1982 with its purpose being to provide technical, legal, and organizing services to a variety of citizens, citizen groups, local governments, and others on a wide variety of environmental issues. We are creative problem solvers trying to advance environmental sanity through the implementation of projects that in addition to their intrinsic merit, can be prototypes for similar efforts elsewhere by ourselves and others.
658 W Onondaga St, Syracuse http://www.aslf.org/ (315) 475-1170 Atlantic.States@aslf.orgCanandaigua Lake Watershed Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/canandaigua-lake-watershed-associationThe Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association is a thousand member, non-profit organization whose purpose is to protect the water quality and overall environment of the Canandaigua Lake watershed for future generations by applying scientific research, advocating sound public policy, and offering educational programs to the community.
493 South Main Street, Canandaigua http://www.canandaigualakeassoc.org (585) 394-5030 info@canandaigualakeassoc.orgCayuga Lake Environmental Action Now (CLEAN)
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-lake-environmental-action-now-(clean)Cayuga Lake Environmental Action Now (CLEAN) is an independent advocacy group that is working to protect Cayuga Lake. We are addressing industry polluters in an effort to highlight the need for remediation of industrial contamination. Based in Ithaca, CLEAN is working with researchers, local environmental groups, and a legal team to address water quality issues on Cayuga Lake. We are affiliated with the Cayuga Lake Watershed Network. CLEAN has fiscal sponsorship through the Chris Dennis Environment Fund. We are working to hold industry polluters accountable and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation responsible for protecting a resource that belongs to ALL of us: Cayuga Lake - from the waves up above to the salt down below.
Cayuga Lake, Ithaca http://cleancayugalake.org/ clean.cayugalake@gmail.comCayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-lake-watershed-intermunicipal-organizationThe municipalities within the Cayuga Lake watershed recognize the enormous and irreplaceable ecological, economic and social value of Cayuga Lake, its tributaries, and its wetlands. The purpose of the Intermunicipal Organization is to bring the watershed municipalities together to work collectively and collaboratively on monitoring, protecting, and restoring the health of the watershed.
Ithaca, NY http://www.cayugawatershed.org/index.html contact@cayugawatershed.orgCayuga Lake Watershed Network
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-lake-watershed-networkThe Cayuga Lake Watershed Network identifies key threats to Cayuga Lake and its watershed, and it advocates for solutions that support a healthy environment and sustainable, vibrant communities. The Network offers two free community conferences for the public annually on water issues of concern at the north and south ends of the lake; publishes four newsletters each year; cooperates with other groups in shared events for the public, and educates/advocates for the protection of Cayuga Lake, its creeks, land and communities. The Network is a charitable nonprofit organization founded in 1997, today with over 400 members and an active Board of Directors.
170 Main St, Aurora http://www.cayugalake.org (607) 319-0475 steward@cayugalake.orgCentral New York Land Trust
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/central-new-york-land-trustCNY Land Trust, working in Onondaga and Oswego Counties, acquires land either by donation or purchase and keeps it in its natural state. These lands may contain wetlands, ponds, streams, grasslands, forests, hills and all of the other wonderful natural landforms that abound in Central New York. CNY Land Trust owns all of its preserves, and cares for the land forever for community benefit. Hunting, trapping, camp fires, overnight camping and the use of motorized vehicles are prohibited for the safety of the visiting public and the protection of the land. All of the preserves are open, free of charge, for hiking, photography and nature study from sunrise to sunset every day of the year.
7 Fennell Street, Skaneateles http://cnylandtrust.org/ (315) 575-8839 director@cnylandtrust.orgChemung County Environmental Management Council
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/chemung-county-environmental-management-councilThe Chemung County Environmental Management Council (EMC) is a voluntary advisory board appointed by the county government. Its mission is two-fold: to advise county government; and two, to provide a liaison between the community and county government. Solution oriented, the Chemung County EMC strives to affect environmental improvement within the system. EMC programs often take the form of studies that provide recommended courses of action for decision makers.
425 Pennsylvania Ave, Elmira http://www.chemungcountyny.gov/chemung_county_environmental_management_council/index.php (607) 734-4453Citizens Campaign for the Environment
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/citizens-campaign-for-the-environmentCitizens Campaign for the Environment is a 120,000-member organization with offices in Syracuse, Farmingdale, Albany, and Buffalo in NY, and in Hamden, CT. CCE works to empower the public by providing members with opportunities to participate in the political process and thereby advance a strong environmental agenda. CCE engages in extensive education, research, lobbying and public outreach. One of their primary goals is to help citizens increase their influence and participation in important environmental campaigns, gaining a stronger voice in the development of public policies and legislative agendas. CCE's experienced program staff works to identify key environmental concerns in communities across New York State and Connecticut. By working with other organizations in diverse coalitions and through ongoing communication with local, state and federal elected officials and environmental and public health agencies, CCE has been successful in advancing programs that benefit the natural environment and public health. Their achievements through public involvement have resulted in greater awareness and protection of drinking water quality, preservation of open spaces, protection of beaches, bays, rivers, and Great Lakes waters, advancing renewable energy, and reductions in air and water pollutants.
2000 Teall Avenue, Syracuse https://www.citizenscampaign.org/ (315) 472-1339 syracuse@citizenscampaign.orgCoalition to Protect New York
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/coalition-to-protect-new-yorkWe envision a New York State where people have genuine governing authority to say NO to anything, such as fracking and related industrial activities, that will harm our health and welfare, our community, and the natural world it inhabits; and to say YES to that which we believe promotes the health and vibrancy of our land, our resources, and our selves. Stopping fracking and its infrastructure and related industrial activities is our primary initial battle and represents the many barriers we must overcome to achieve our vision. We are rural, urban, and suburban, and we live in Western, Central, and Southern Tier counties of New York State. We use public education, local ban laws, state law to make fracking a crime, and nonviolent creative action to foster our goals, which include Making Local Law.
904 N. Ketchumville Rd http://www.coalitiontoprotectnewyork.org (607) 657-2782 bobfinch57@gmail.comCommunity Science Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/community-science-instituteThe Community Science Institute operates a state-certified water quality testing lab that partners with groups of volunteers to monitor water quality. Their stream monitoring programs empower local residents to take charge of collecting essential information about water quality that otherwise would not exist. The unique partnership between the lab and volunteer programs allows citizens to engage in monitoring programs that produce reliable, high-quality data that can be used by researchers and government agencies to manage water resources. Their certified lab tests water samples for their stream monitoring programs as well as for members of the general public, regulated suppliers, and government agencies.
95 Brown Rd, Ithaca http://www.communityscience.org (607) 257-6606 info@communityscience.orgConesus Lake Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/conesus-lake-associationThe Conesus Lake Association's mission is to “promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents, both permanent and temporary, of the area community known as Conesus Lake, Livingston County, New York.” Their programs include public education resources and the ConesUS Stewardship Initiative engaging the public in working to improve water quality and reduce the spread of of invasive aquatic species.
5828 Big Tree Rd, Lakeville http://www.conesuslake.org (585) 346-6864 info@conesuslake.orgCornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-cooperative-extension-of-tompkins-countyCornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County provides programs and information to Tompkins County residents on agriculture, horticulture, and the environment; nutrition and food safety; consumer and financial education; 4-H youth development; and family and community development.
615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca http://ccetompkins.org (607) 272-2292 tompkins@cornell.eduCorning Global Energy Management Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/corning-global-energy-management-programThe Corning Global Energy Management Program has a long-term view of energy conservation and global energy management that includes the environmentally responsible and cost-effective use of energy in their facilities around the world. GEM teams at every Corning facility around the world execute five strategies to achieve this mission: 1. Continuously improve energy, water, and natural resource management in operations. 2. Incorporate energy, water, and natural resource innovation in product development, product design, and manufacturing processes. 3. Engage employees and suppliers in energy, water, and natural resource management. 4. Ensure Corning meets customer requirements regarding energy, water, and natural resource utilization. 5. Analyze and communicate Corning’s progress and successes in energy, water, and natural resource innovation to internal and external stakeholders.
1 Riverfront Plaza, Corning https://www.corning.com/worldwide/en/sustainability/preservation/global-energy-management.html (607) 974-9000 inquiries@corning.comDiscover Cayuga Lake
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/discover-cayuga-lakeSince 2003, Discover Cayuga Lake has provided hands-on learning opportunities in the interest of sustaining our Finger Lakes waterways for future generations. They offer Eco-Cruises on Cayuga Lake (May-October), Floating Classroom experiences for grades 5 and up, Trout in the Classroom school-based programs, and a variety of free or donation based cruises for local residents. They serve communities throughout the Cayuga Lake watershed and their boat, the MV Teal, is based out of the Allan H. Treman State Park Marina in Ithaca, NY. Contact booking@discovercayugalake.org for cruises and charters, or education@discovercayugalake.org for educational programs.
Allan H. Treman State Marine Park, Taughannock Boulevard https://www.discovercayugalake.org/ (607) 327-5253 booking@discovercayugalake.orgDryden Resource Awareness Coalition
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/dryden-resource-awareness-coalitionThe Dryden Resource Awareness Coalition (DRAC) was created in the spring of 2009 by Dryden, NY, residents concerned about the possible upcoming consequences that high-volume, slick-water hydrofracturing of gas wells drilled into the Marcellus Shale may bring, not only to their own neighborhoods but also to the southern New York area, and more generally, to “shale play” areas around the country where drilling is already in progress. They participate in various county-wide and out of county efforts to safeguard the region’s water, air, and soil resources and, more generally, an environment in which people, animals, and plants can live and flourish. They meet the first Monday of the month at 7pm at the Dryden Town Hall. Meetings are open to the public.
Dryden, NY 13053 https://draconline.wordpress.com/ (607) 339-6510 DrydenDRAC@gmail.comFinger Lakes Regional Watershed Alliance
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-regional-watershed-allianceIn 2010, nine lake and watershed organizations representing the inhabited Finger Lakes in New York State formed the Finger Lakes Regional Watershed Alliance (“FLRWA”). This alliance represents over 10,000 individual property owners, residents and voters across the entire Finger Lakes region. The purposes of FLRWA are to bring together the members, expertise and desires of the Finger Lakes watershed associations to preserve and protect their watersheds with a collective regional voice; to join forces to advocate for mutually beneficial regional changes, backed by sound research; and to promote collective actions that represent the desires of the entire Finger Lakes region.
601 South Main Street, Geneva http://www.flrwa.org (315) 481-5048Finger Lakes Water Hub
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-water-hubThe Hub is the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's center of activity to better understand, protect and address the water quality issues confronting the Finger Lakes. The Hub is composed of four experts stationed in NYSDEC's Syracuse office who operate throughout the region. The Hub takes a collaborative approach, as maintaining water quality and ecology is necessarily a team effort. To build on the existing passion and drive for protecting and restoring the Finger Lakes, the Hub staff coordinate with existing NYSDEC water programs, such as the harmful algal bloom program, the Great Lakes program, and watershed-based scientific monitoring and assessment activities. Hub staff are working to connect state agency programs with the work of research institutions, local governments and civic organizations, and will work with key stakeholders to develop strategies for individual Finger Lakes.
615 Erie Boulevard West, Syracuse https://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/81576.html (315) 426-7507 aimee.clinkhammer@dec.ny.govFriends of the Chemung River Watershed
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/friends-of-the-chemung-river-watershedThe Friends of the Chemung River Watershed is the community's connection for everything related to the beautiful Chemung River, its tributaries, and the trails and grounds surrounding the river. They promote regional recreation for guided paddles, fishing, riverside hikes, cross-country skiing, biking, bird watching, nature photography, and other events and programs. They advocate for increased responsible usage of the watershed, and work to educate the public on safe and fun recreation around the river.
109 North Main Street, Elmira https://www.chemungriverfriends.org/ (607) 846-2242 director@chemungriverfriends.orgFrisch Ecological Design
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/frisch-ecological-designFrisch Ecological Design works throughout the Rochester and Genesee Valley Region to connect people to their land through design and planning. A thoughtful whole-system approach seeks to integrate humans and nature to create landscapes that regenerate, restore, and steward the natural world while meeting our needs for food, water, and wildlife. Landscapes can be as functional as they are beautiful in both urban and rural environments.
Spencerport, NY https://www.frischecologicaldesign.com/ contact@frischecologicaldesign.comGas Free Seneca
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/gas-free-senecaGas Free Seneca was formed in early 2011 in response to Inergy, LP’s plan (now Crestwood) to build a liquefied petroleum gas storage facility in salt caverns north of Watkins Glen. It started as a small group of concerned citizens trying to spread the word about the proposed storage facility, and grew into a coalition of many concerned citizens, local business owners and regional environmental groups. The storage facility plan was halted, but Gas Free Seneca continues working to protect Seneca Lake, its environs, and local businesses from the threat of massive industrialization, with education and organizarion in opposition to present and threatened sources of water pollurion. Visit on Facebook or at https://gasfreeseneca.com
Watkins Glen, NY 14891 http://gasfreeseneca.com gasfreeseneca@gmail.comGenesee Land Trust
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/genesee-land-trustGenesee Land Trust preserves and protects natural lands, waterways, and working farms that enhance the quality of life in the Greater Rochester region – providing wildlife habitat, locally grown food, and connections to nature – for everyone, through conservation easements. It owns and manages publicly-accessible nature preserves across the region, and has partnered with towns to create nature parks. It creates new trails on its preserves, hosts walks and events on natural lands, and facilitates programs on the land for youth and families.
46 Prince Street, Rochester https://www.geneseelandtrust.org/ (585) 256-2130 info@geneseelandtrust.orgGenesee RiverWatch
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/genesee-riverwatchGenesee RiverWatch develops and participates in regional partnerships that strengthens their ability to prioritize and execute basin-wide solutions. Moreover, they promote public involvement in the Watershed through improved canoe/kayak access points on the river. Their Genesee River Institute and Aquatic Educators Network are working to educate and involve citizens – young and old. They are committed to informing the public of the state of the river through an annual Genesee River Report Card. Their annual Genesee River Bash invites the public to learn about and celebrate the river. They design, obtain funding for, and execute Stream-bank Restoration Projects that preserve critical farmland and reduce river-borne sediment.
700 West Metro Park, Rochester http://www.GeneseeRiverWatch.org (585) 233-6086 gthomas@geneseeriverwatch.orgHoneoye Lake Park Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/honeoye-lake-park-associationHoneoye Lake Park Association (HLPA) is a homeowners association for properties located along the Northeast shore of Honeoye Lake in Upstate New York's Finger Lakes region. The park was formerly known as the Times Union Tract and consists of 235 properties. The Association is responsible for the care and maintenance of the common areas located within the park. This includes the roads and the large greenspace park at the shore of the lake. The association also takes care of dock issues, quality of life, and other issues common to all the homeowners in the association.
8732 Main St, Honeoye https://hlpany.com info@hlpany.comHoneoye Valley Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/honeoye-valley-associationThe Honeoye Valley Association is a not-for-profit volunteer organization that works in a variety of ways to protect and preserve the environmental quality of the Honeoye Lake watershed. Activities include communicating with governmental agencies and political representatives, educational outreach, monitoring of the lake ecosystem, and acting as a clearinghouse for information related to these activities.
Honeoye, NY 14471 https://hvaweb.org honeoyecontact@gmail.comMuller Field Station at Finger Lakes Community College
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/muller-field-station-at-finger-lakes-community-collegeLocated near the southern end of Honeoye Lake, the Muller Field Station provides field-based education for academic programs, laboratory experiences, community outreach, and the opportunity to participate in or observe local research projects. College and university students, local K-12 students and their teachers, community members, environmental organizations and agencies are all welcome visitors to the Station. Research programs and activities include wildlife management and monitoring, water quality sampling, regional biodiversity assessment, public lectures, workshops, and special events.
6455 County Road 36, Honeoye https://www.flcc.edu/muller/ (585) 785-1254 John.VanNiel@flcc.eduNatural Systems Engineering, PLLC
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/natural-systems-engineering,-pllcNatural Systems Engineering (NSE) is a specialty consulting environmental engineering company founded in 2007. They specialize in design of green stormwater infrastructure including porous pavements, wetlands, rainwater harvesting systems, green roofs, and infiltration measures; watershed modeling, hydrologic studies, and TMDLs; green (LEED) construction; and other engineering studies to support water quality protection and sustainability.
120 East Washington Street, Syracuse http://www.naturalsystemsengineering.com/ (315) 849-3632 info@naturalsystemsengineering.comNew York State Water Resources Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-state-water-resources-instituteThe mission of the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) is to improve the management of water resources in New York State and the nation. As a federally and state-mandated institution located at Cornell University, they are uniquely situated to access scientific and technical resources that are relevant to New York State's and the nation's water management needs. They collaborate with regional, state, and national partners to increase awareness of emerging water resources issues and to develop and assess new water management technologies and policies. WRI connects the water research and water management communities.
Riley Robb Hall, Wing Drive https://wri.cals.cornell.edu/ (607) 254-7163 nyswri@cornell.eduNew York Water Environment Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-water-environment-associationNYWEA is a non-profit educational organization that promotes sustainable clean water quality management through science, education and training. The Association has seven local chapters which meet regularly, elect chapter officers and conduct both technical and social programs. There are 2,500 members representing diverse backgrounds and specialties, but all are concerned and involved with protecting and enhancing precious water resources.
525 Plum Street, Syracuse http://www.nywea.org (315) 422-7811 info@nywea.orgOtisco Lake Preservation Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/otisco-lake-preservation-associationThe Otisco Lake Preservation Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to preserve the health, beauty, and welfare of Otisco Lake – not only today, but for future generations. In partnership with the Onondaga County Health Department, Onondaga County Water Authority (OCWA), and Cornell Cooperative Extension, they work to maintain the integrity of Otisco Lake and its watershed. They continue to fight the battle against Eurasian milfoil weed and other invasive species and have plans to utilize various options, along with providing educational literature, to help control and maintain these species in an effort to prevent further spreading and to protect the lake.
Marietta, NY 13110 https://www.otiscolakepreservation.org/initiatives olpawebsite@gmail.comOwasco Flats Nature Reserve
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/owasco-flats-nature-reserveEnjoy nature at it's finest on this 89-acre preserve with trails on the lake and along the inlet. Hiking fishing, bird watching, photography, and great canoeing and kayaking. Open dawn to dusk year round. The Owasco Flats Nature Reserve, Inc. is a 501(C) 3 organization working to protect the ecological integrity of the Owasco Flats through stewardship and conservation.
2799 Firelane, Moravia https://www.facebook.com/OwascoFlats/ owascoflats@gmail.comOwasco Lake Watershed Inspection Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/owasco-lake-watershed-inspection-programThe Mission of the Owasco Lake Watershed Inspection Program is to make regular and thorough inspections of Owasco Lake, its watercourses and its watershed to ascertain compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the Owasco Lake Watershed and to provide educational outreach to the watershed community to foster lake stewardship.
7413 County House Rd, Auburn http://www.owascoinspection.org/ (315) 975-7234 asnell@cayugaswcd.orgOwasco Lake Watershed Management Council
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/owasco-lake-watershed-management-councilThe Mission of the Owasco Lake Watershed Management Council is to coordinate actions for protecting and restoring the health of Owasco Lake and its watershed to ensure that Owasco Lake will serve as a source of public drinking water, a recreational asset, an economic driver, and an important natural resource for the well-being of watershed residents and those who benefit from its protection now and for future generations.
25 Dill St, Auburn https://www.olwmc.org/ (315) 283-9427 ajpeffler.olwmc@gmail.comOwasco Watershed Lake Association (OWLA)
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/owasco-watershed-lake-association-(owla)OWLA is a citizen-based association that promotes cooperation and leadership in the comprehensive management of land use, water quality, recreation, agriculture and a host of other issues as they pertain to Owasco Lake and its watershed. Owasco Watershed Lake Association (OWLA) is a 501 C-3 not-for-profit corporation founded to educate the public on the environmental management, preservation, wise use, and appreciation of Owasco Lake and its watershed.
Auburn, NY https://owla.org/ (315) 283-9426 info@owla.orgRochester City Climate Smart Community
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rochester-city-climate-smart-community-Endorsed by City Council in May 2017, the City of Rochester Climate Action Plan has a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% from 2010 levels by 2030. In order to achieve this goal, the Plan outlines 35 implementation actions divided into five focus areas. The five focus areas revolve around residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. These include: Energy Use and Supply, Transportation, Waste and Materials Management, Clean Water, and Land Use.
30 Church St, Rochester http://www.cityofrochester.gov/article.aspx?id=8589972292 (585) 428-7474 anne.spaulding@cityofrochester.govSapwood Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/sapwood-farmSapwood is a small-scale sugarbush and mushroom farm located in the headwaters of a regional water supply and part of a large connected forest that includes thousands of acres of public and private lands in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State. They manage their forested lands for wildlife habitat, species diversity and water quality, and harvest clean unfiltered drinking water, maple sap, logs for growing mushrooms, firewood and lumber. They sell pure maple syrup, log-grown shiitake mushrooms, and mushrooms foraged from their forests at the Ithaca Farmers Market, and their products are on the menu at the Coal Yard Cafe.
Dryden, NY https://www.getsapwood.com (607) 269-5001 maria@getsapwood.comSave Owasco Now
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/save-owasco-nowSave Owasco Now! formed when toxins were found on several occasions in the finished, treated drinking water drawn from Owasco Lake.
Auburn, NY https://www.facebook.com/saveowasconow/Save the Rain
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/save-the-rainSave the Rain is Onondaga County’s award-winning initiative to improve the water quality of Onondaga Lake and its tributaries, which started as a comprehensive stormwater management plan intended to reduce the amount of pollution that flows into Onondaga Lake and its tributaries. Their programs include rain barrel distribution, tree planting, in-classroom education partnerships with Onondaga County schools, and the Green Improvement Fund to support the development of green infrastructure and stormwater mitigation techniques on private property.
650 Hiawatha Boulevard West, Syracuse https://savetherain.us/ (315) 435-2260Seneca Lake Guardian, a Waterkeeper Alliance Affiliate
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/seneca-lake-guardian,-a-waterkeeper-alliance-affiliateSeneca Lake Guardian is an all-volunteer, grassroots organization whose mission is to preserve and protect the region's air and water from irresponsible industry or development and to ensure that the waters of the Finger Lakes are swimmable, drinkable and fishable for generations to come.
Watkins Glen, NY http://senecalakeguardian.org senecalakeguardian@gmail.comShimmering Light Farm & Renewal Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/shimmering-light-farm-renewal-centerShimmering Light is a community supported farm and education center in South Bristol, NY dedicated to inspiring more conscious and regenerative ways of life. Through the farm, retreats, workshops and collaborative learning experiences, Shimmering Light cultivates connection with the Earth, each other and our own true nature.
6143 Hicks Road, Naples http://www.shimmeringlight.info (585) 394-7610 info@shimmeringlight.infoSkaneateles Lake Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/skaneateles-lake-associationThe Skaneateles Lake Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection of the Skaneateles Lake watershed from pollution and invasive species though public education, coordinated monitoring and clean-up efforts, and cooperation with local governments to ensure that regulations and comprehensive watershed management plans reflect current science and the potential impact of current threats and that the management of the watershed remains vigilant. Skaneateles Lake is one of the cleanest lakes in the country and provides drinking water to the City of Syracuse.
Skaneateles, NY https://skaneateleslake.org (315) 685-9106 skanlakeassoc@att.netSkaneateles Lake Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/skaneateles-lake-associationSkaneateles Lake Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation and a member of the New York State Federation of Lake Associations and the Finger Lakes Regional Watershed Alliance (FLRWA). In order to ensure the integrity of the lake and its watershed for generations to come, their goals are to: Educate residents, government agencies and others using the lake about threats to the lake and its watershed, take all action necessary to protect and improve the water quality of Skaneateles Lake and to protect and improve its watershed, promote environmentally and aesthetically sound regional management of Skaneateles Lake and its watershed by encouraging cooperation among the Skaneateles Lake watershed municipalities, and engage in activities appropriate to further the mission of the corporation including public education, community organizing, fund-raising, publicity, working with village, town, county, state and federal officials.
26 Jordan St, Skaneateles http://skaneateleslake.org (315) 685-9106 skanlakeassoc@att.netTioga County Soil and Water Conservation District
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tioga-county-soil-and-water-conservation-districtThe role of the Tioga County Soil and Water Conservation District is to assist individual landowners, groups, and units of government with any natural resource concern that is brought before it. This may take the form of technical advice, technical assistance, or finding a solution through another entity.
183 Corporate Drive, Owego https://www.tiogacountyny.com/programs-agencies/soil-and-water/ (607) 687-3553 walshw@tiogacountyny.govUpper Susquehanna Coalition
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/upper-susquehanna-coalitionThe Upper Susquehanna Coalition's mission is to protect and improve water quality and natural resources in the Upper Susquehanna River Basin with the involvement of citizens and agencies through planning, education, coordination, funding, project implementation and advocating for water resources. They strive to do so through a team approach, with teams focused on key watershed-wide efforts working independently and collaboratively.
183 Corporate Drive, Owego http://www.uppersusquehanna.org/usc/ (607) 972-2348 wwalsh@u-s-c.orgWaterFront by Peter Mantius
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/waterfront-by-peter-mantiusThe once-pristine Finger Lakes are under stress. While they dodged a bullet in 2014 when the state banned high-volume fracking for natural gas, major threats remain: invasive species, gigantic garbage dumps, stream runoff carrying agricultural and munitions wastes, toxic waste dumps, salt mines, etc. While local environmental groups try — with meager funding — to engage these deep-pocket threats, local media tend to remain on the sidelines. WaterFront was founded to shed light on these increasingly consequential battles.
Watkins Glen, NY http://Waterfrontonline.blog pmantius@gmail.comWayne County Soil and Water Conservation District
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/wayne-county-soil-and-water-conservation-districtThe Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District serves as a local agency prepared to manage and conserve the soil, water and natural resources of Wayne County. Since 1944, the District has developed programs related to the needs of Wayne County and follows a mission and a vision to help the community thrive from care of the natural resources available to its residents.
7312 Rte 31, Lyons https://waynecountynysoilandwater.org (315) 946-7200