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Friends of the Chemung River Watershed
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/friends-of-the-chemung-river-watershedThe Friends of the Chemung River Watershed is the community's connection for everything related to the beautiful Chemung River, its tributaries, and the trails and grounds surrounding the river. They promote regional recreation for guided paddles, fishing, riverside hikes, cross-country skiing, biking, bird watching, nature photography, and other events and programs. They advocate for increased responsible usage of the watershed, and work to educate the public on safe and fun recreation around the river.
109 North Main Street, Elmira https://www.chemungriverfriends.org/ (607) 846-2242 director@chemungriverfriends.orgFriends of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/friends-of-the-montezuma-wetlands-complexThe mission of Friends of the Montezuma Wetlands is to assist and promote wildlife management, habitat restoration, conservation education, and public use within the Montezuma Wetlands Complex (MWC). The Friends of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex work with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, and Ducks Unlimited to protect, restore, and enhance wildlife habitat over 36,000 acres in upstate New York. They assist in promoting and maintaining outdoor-related recreation in the MWC, provide educational services, and promote research activities for the MWC.
3395 U.S. 20, Seneca Falls https://friendsofmontezuma.org montezuma@audubon.orgOnondaga Lake Conservation Corps
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/onondaga-lake-conservation-corpsThe Onondaga Lake Conservation Corps is an expanding organization of community volunteers who are contributing to restoration projects that are creating or improving wildlife habitat in the Onondaga Lake watershed. The Corps was founded in 2012 to inspire future stewards of Onondaga Lake and its watershed through a hands-on, experience-based program that offers citizens and organizations the opportunity to participate in activities that help restore and sustain Onondaga Lake and its value as an Audubon Important Bird Area. The Corps was founded by honeywell in partnership with the Montezuma Audubon Center and Onondaga Audubon, and is now an Audubon New York program.
280 Restoration Way, Syracuse https://ny.audubon.org/OLCC (518) 869-9731 sbruce@audubon.orgParkes Ecological
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/parkes-ecologicalParkes Ecological LLC is a privately owned ecological consulting firm based in Upstate New York. They are field biologists and consultants, whose expertise includes wetland consulting and permitting, wildlife investigations and monitoring, construction support, and creative, cost-efficient solutions to environmental challenges of all kinds. They provide a full spectrum of services including initial site characterization, in-depth biological investigation, restoration planning, regulatory strategy and permit preparation, and compliance monitoring and construction support through project closeout.
120 Hawley St, Binghamton http://parkesecological.com (979) 777-1745 info@parkesecological.comSapwood Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/sapwood-farmSapwood is a small-scale sugarbush and mushroom farm located in the headwaters of a regional water supply and part of a large connected forest that includes thousands of acres of public and private lands in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State. They manage their forested lands for wildlife habitat, species diversity and water quality, and harvest clean unfiltered drinking water, maple sap, logs for growing mushrooms, firewood and lumber. They sell pure maple syrup, log-grown shiitake mushrooms, and mushrooms foraged from their forests at the Ithaca Farmers Market, and their products are on the menu at the Coal Yard Cafe.
Dryden, NY https://www.getsapwood.com (607) 269-5001 maria@getsapwood.comSEED Sustainability Consulting
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/seed-sustainability-consultingSEEDs consultation and coaching process is designed to educate you about the foundational aspects of permaculture, empower you to move through the design process in a structured and supported way, and strategically plan both the design and implementation so that your time, efforts and money are leveraged.
Ithaca, NY http://seedsustainabilityconsulting.com/ (607) 339-1153 karryn@seedsustainabilityconsulting.com