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Citizens Campaign for the Environment
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/citizens-campaign-for-the-environmentCitizens Campaign for the Environment is a 120,000-member organization with offices in Syracuse, Farmingdale, Albany, and Buffalo in NY, and in Hamden, CT. CCE works to empower the public by providing members with opportunities to participate in the political process and thereby advance a strong environmental agenda. CCE engages in extensive education, research, lobbying and public outreach. One of their primary goals is to help citizens increase their influence and participation in important environmental campaigns, gaining a stronger voice in the development of public policies and legislative agendas. CCE's experienced program staff works to identify key environmental concerns in communities across New York State and Connecticut. By working with other organizations in diverse coalitions and through ongoing communication with local, state and federal elected officials and environmental and public health agencies, CCE has been successful in advancing programs that benefit the natural environment and public health. Their achievements through public involvement have resulted in greater awareness and protection of drinking water quality, preservation of open spaces, protection of beaches, bays, rivers, and Great Lakes waters, advancing renewable energy, and reductions in air and water pollutants.
2000 Teall Avenue, Syracuse https://www.citizenscampaign.org/ (315) 472-1339 syracuse@citizenscampaign.orgEco Electrical Contractors
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/eco-electrical-contractorsEco Electrical Contractors Llc is a full-service residential, commercial, and industrial electrical contractor. They specialize in all aspects of electrical contracting, but focus on energy efficiency. They have the latest product information from manufacturers and distributors to provide information on electrical equipment, LED lighting technology, and energy performance installations. Services offered include emergency generators electrical service upgrades and power distribution systems, home remodels, new additions, new homes, LED recessed lighting design and installation, Lutron lighting control systems, commercial and warehouse lighting, indoor horticulture lighting and ventilation, spas, hot tubs, pools, ceiling fans, underground power and pole installations, troubleshooting, and repair.
829 Ringwood Road, Ithaca http://Www.ecoelectricalcontractors.com (607) 241-3804 Wes@ecoelectricalcontractors.comNew York State Pollution Prevention Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-state-pollution-prevention-instituteThe New York State Pollution Prevention Institute is a collaboration of five research universities and manufacturing extension partnerships across New York State.They give businesses, communities, and nonprofits practical tools and solutions to realize the benefits of sustainability for the economy, environment, and society. Their clients receive the expertise and resources needed to achieve outcomes including more efficient use of energy, raw materials, and water, optimized manufacturing processes that generate more business value, elimination of hazardous materials for safer workplaces and communities, and competitive market positioning as part of the green economy and in support of a commitment to environmental stewardship.
111 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester https://www.rit.edu/affiliate/nysp2i/about-nysp2i (585) 475-2511 nysp2i@rit.eduTrees Up Tompkins
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/trees-up-tompkinsTrees Up Tompkins aims to draw down carbon from the atmosphere by planting native trees on available land in Tompkins County, NY. They planted their first trees in October 2019, and organized their first community planting in April 2020. Visit their website or join their Facebook group.
Ithaca, NY https://www.treesuptompkins.org/ treesuptompkins@gmail.comWayne County Soil and Water Conservation District
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/wayne-county-soil-and-water-conservation-districtThe Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District serves as a local agency prepared to manage and conserve the soil, water and natural resources of Wayne County. Since 1944, the District has developed programs related to the needs of Wayne County and follows a mission and a vision to help the community thrive from care of the natural resources available to its residents.
7312 Rte 31, Lyons https://waynecountynysoilandwater.org (315) 946-7200