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Closed Loop Systems
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/closed-loop-systemsClosed Loop Systems is a waste management company that designs, builds, operates, and maintains customized resource recovery facilities. Their business is to work with clients (municipal, industrial, agricultural, institutional) to upcycle waste by recovering materials close to their source. Their mission is to implement renewable waste solutions that serve a circular economy.
124 North Genesee Street, Geneva https://closedloopsys.comCorning Global Energy Management Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/corning-global-energy-management-programThe Corning Global Energy Management Program has a long-term view of energy conservation and global energy management that includes the environmentally responsible and cost-effective use of energy in their facilities around the world. GEM teams at every Corning facility around the world execute five strategies to achieve this mission: 1. Continuously improve energy, water, and natural resource management in operations. 2. Incorporate energy, water, and natural resource innovation in product development, product design, and manufacturing processes. 3. Engage employees and suppliers in energy, water, and natural resource management. 4. Ensure Corning meets customer requirements regarding energy, water, and natural resource utilization. 5. Analyze and communicate Corning’s progress and successes in energy, water, and natural resource innovation to internal and external stakeholders.
1 Riverfront Plaza, Corning https://www.corning.com/worldwide/en/sustainability/preservation/global-energy-management.html (607) 974-9000 inquiries@corning.comLaBella Associates, D.P.C.
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/labella-associates,-dpcLaBella Associates is an international Architecture, Engineering, Environmental and Planning firm headquartered in Rochester, NY--but their impact is seen around the world. They have 4 key service offerings: Buildings, Energy, Infrastructure, and Environmental. Their staff of over 700 team members is spread across more than 20 office locations.
300 State Street, Rochester https://www.labellapc.com/ (877) 626-6606 info@labellapc.comNatural Upcycling
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/natural-upcyclingNatural Upcycling is Upstate New York’s premier food scraps/organics collection company. Their focus is to collect organic or food waste and turn it into a renewable resource – such as electricity or natural gas – through a process called anaerobic digestion. They have the infrastructure and technology to collect any volume of food waste, complete with depackaging services.
1818 Linwood Road, Linwood http://naturalupcycling.com/ (585) 584-312 info@naturalupcycling.comOrganix Green Industries
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/organix-green-industriesOrganix Green Industries uses earthworm vermicomposting to turn regional food, yard, and paper waste into soil-healthy, non-toxic fertilizers and pesticides for residential and industrial use, and supports the use of vermicomposting for home and municipal waste reduction and bioremediation. Additional number: 585-781-4897
2257 County Road 4, Stanley http://www.organicsoilamendment.com/ (585) 229-9369 hello@organisamendment.comSilver Thread Vineyard
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/silver-thread-vineyardSilver Thread Vineyard is a boutique, winemaker-owned winery on the east side of Seneca Lake, producing classic European-style fine wines. Recognized as a "Lake Friendly Farmer" by the NYS Agricultural Environmental Management Program, they grow grapes with local non-toxic fertilizer, biological pest control, and cultivation methods that protect soil and water sources. Other sustainability practices include energy-efficient buildings powered by an air-source heat pump and solar photovoltaic system, tractors powered partly by biodiesel, usage of wine-making wastes as onsite fertilizer, low-impact wine packaging, and purchases of carbon offsets for wine shipping.
1401 Caywood Road, Lodi http://www.silverthreadwine.com (607) 582-6116 info@silverthreadwine.comSTREAM Collaborative
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/stream-collaborativeSTREAM Collaborative includes a growing staff of talented architects, landscape architects and design professionals with a depth of knowledge in sustainable design and planning. STREAM offers a wide array of services related to design, architecture, landscape architecture and new media as it relates to environmental graphics and the built environment. Collaboration is at the heart of their process and they enjoy teaming with other architects, landscape architects, urban planners, engineers, interior designers, product designers and new media programmers to tackle design problems from the smallest household object to an entire new urban community. With direct client participation to help shape and inform final design solutions, their overarching objective is to create pure forms made of natural materials or processes which continue to perform and delight well beyond our incredibly short lifetimes.
108 West State Street, Ithaca http://www.streamcolab.com/ (607) 216-8802 info@streamcolab.com