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Cayuga Climate Action
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-climate-actionCayuga Climate Action seeks to educate, advocate, and act on the climate crisis to protect and restore our lakes and lands. Their objectives are to restore Cayuga County’s biodiversity, transition communities to 100% renewable energy, foster recycling, composting, and waste education and reduction, and to align themselves and the county in a right relationship with the planet.
Phoenix Building Havana Room, 2 South Street https://www.facebook.com/cayugaclimateaction/ (248) 565-6272 cayugaclimateaction@gmail.comDacha Project
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/dacha-projectThe Dacha Project a do-it-yourself, egalitarian and educational homestead. They are comprised of six friends and an extensive circle of supporters and community members. Situated on 16 acres in Finger Lakes region of New York, they built an off-the-grid, earth-bermed, solar-passive house, powered by active solar and a diesel generator converted to run on waste vegetable oil. In addition, they built, or rather sculpted, a straw-bale cottage, planted a fruit and nut tree orchard, and are ever-expanding their gardens. The Dacha Project is almost entirely owner built, with innovative designs for their energy, heating, water, waste and agriculture systems. They often invite the community in for tours, events and workshops. In the future, they plan to expand their educational programming and more official artist/writing residencies, as well as internships and apprenticeships. Although, they are not looking for more permanent members at this time, any interested people are welcome to visit, write, propose projects, or simply explore the website or keep up with the project on Facebook.
Freeville, NY http://dachaproject.com/ dachaproject@gmail.comEcoVillage at Ithaca
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ecovillage-at-ithacaEcoVillage at Ithaca is part of a growing global movement for a saner, more sustainable human culture. Comprising an intentional community and a non-profit educational organization, the project is developing an alternative model for suburban living which provides a satisfying, healthy, socially rich lifestyle, while minimizing ecological impacts. EcoVillage currently includes two 30-home cohousing neighborhoods, FROG and SONG, with a third 40-home cohousing neighborhood, TREE, completed in 2015. The village is also home to an organic CSA vegetable farm, an organic CSA/U-Pick berry farm, office spaces for entrepreneurs, a neighborhood root cellar, community gardens, and meadows, ponds and woodlands. Over 80% of the 175 acre site is planned to remain green space, including 50 acres in a conservation easement held by the Finger Lakes Land Trust.
212 Rachel Carson Way, Ithaca http://ecovillageithaca.org/ (866) 529-4465 learn@ecovillageithaca.orgForget-Me-Not Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/forget-me-not-farmForget-Me-Not Farm is a family homestead that produces and sells diverse herbal products, yarn, cider, and more, and offers farmstays and classes on medicine and textile making. Forget-Me-Not Farm sells its products online and at the Ithaca Farmers' Market. The farm also has it's own B&B where you can enjoy the farm life and pure nature.
56 Lathrop Hill Road, Candor http://smallgracesatforgetmenotfarm.com (607) 319-1456 smallgracesherbal@gmail.comFriends Bike Clinic - Sundays
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/friends-bike-clinic---sundaysFriends Bike Clinic is an informal all-volunteer organization sponsored by the Quakers in Ithaca NY. Twice a week, they set out a bunch of bike stands and bike tools for use by anyone who wants work on their bike or help others fix their bike. The clinic is held on Sundays from 1pm to 3pm at the Quaker meetinghouse (3rd and Madison). They also hold occasional mobile bike clinics at various local events. Everyone is welcome! Sundays 1pm to 3pm at the Quaker meetinghouse (3rd and Madison) Tuesdays 4pm to 6pm at the Ithaca Generator makerspace (116 West Green St. in the basement of the Journal Building)
120 3rd St, Ithaca https://www.facebook.com/pg/FriendsBikeClinic (607) 229-9500 clerk@ithacamonthlymeeting.orgFriends Bike Clinic – Tuesdays
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/friends-bike-clinic-–-tuesdays-Friends Bike Clinic is an informal all-volunteer organization sponsored by the Quakers in Ithaca NY. Twice a week they set out a bunch of bike stands and bike tools for use by anyone who wants work on their bike or help others fix their bike. They also hold occasional mobile bike clinics at various local events. Everyone is welcome! The clinic is held on Sundays from 1pm to 3pm at the Quaker meetinghouse (3rd and Madison) and Tuesdays from 4pm to 6pm at the Ithaca Generator makerspace (116 West Green St. in the basement of the Journal Building).
116 W Green St, Ithaca https://www.facebook.com/pg/FriendsBikeClinic (607) 229-9500 clerk@ithacamonthlymeeting.orgGreensprings Natural Cemetery Preserve
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/greensprings-natural-cemetery-preserveGreensprings offers ecologically sound burial options and a natural return to the earth--simple, affordable, and respectful of the human spirit--that models our end of cradle-to-grave sustainability. Greensprings is a thoughtful, sustainable, lovely alternative to conventional cemeteries: no embalming fluid, no concrete vaults, and simple, biodegradable caskets or shrouds. We manage the land as if it were a nature preserve, where commemorative plantings of native trees and shrubs provide shelter and food for wildlife and visitors can remember those they have honored and loved. Through natural burial, each Greensprings site owner helps create a legacy of enduring stewardship and renewal.
293 Irish Hill Rd, Newfield, NY 14867 http://www.naturalburial.org/ (607) 564-7577 info@naturalburial.orgHammerstone School Carpentry for Women
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/hammerstone-school-carpentry-for-womenHammerstone School Carpentry for Women, located outside Ithaca, NY, teaches building skills to women of all ages and experience levels. By increasing the skills of individual women, they hope to increase the number of women in the trades, and ultimately change workplaces for women in and outside of the trades. They also offer contracting services specializing in timber framing, residential construction, and tiny houses.
3285 Jacksonville Road, Trumansburg https://hammerstoneschool.com/ (607) 351-6878 info@hammerstoneschool.comIthaca Alternative Gift Fair
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ithaca-alternative-gift-fairThe mission of the Ithaca Alternative Gift Fair is to provide the community with a meaningful alternative to holiday gift giving, one which celebrates personal charity, community health and well being, and the preservation of the planet. Each organization that participates in the fair offers variously priced “gifts” that serve a specific purpose for the community.
Ithaca, NY 14850 http://www.ithacaaltgiftfair.org/ info@ithacaaltgiftfair.orgLand of Dawes
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/land-of-dawesLand of Dawes is an Earth spirituality community forming on 38 acres of forest and field off the grid near Ithaca, NY, with a mission to live in harmony with the Earth and each other. Members gather in co-created ceremonies to give gratitude to the elements that sustain them: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. They invite families and friends to circle on the eight cross-quarters on the medicine wheel, to re-align themselves to the earth's cycles and seasons. Potluck, bonfire, sauna are shared at the end of each gathering. Poetry, song, chants and drumming, meditation and creative visualization are shared. They have organic gardens, concord grapes, blueberries and maple trees. There is a pond and sauna. They have solar energy and a generator to take care of their electric needs but value their small footprint on the earth.
512 Dawes Hill Rd, Newfield http://www.ic.org/directory/land-of-dawes-2/ (607) 564-9406 landofdawes@gmail.comLuna Fiber Studio
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/luna-fiber-studioLuna is a fully equipped weaving studio and all inclusive textile studio, offering a wide range of classes and workshops.
27 West Main Street, Dryden http://www.lunafiberstudio.com/ lunafiberstudio@gmail.comWildmoon Homesteading
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/wildmoon-homesteadingWildmoon Homestading focuses on growing food organically. They offer heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables, as well as classes for women in growing, storing, cooking, seedsaving, naturalists skills, survival skills, and shiitake growing.
529 Prospect Valley Road, Willseyville http://wildmoonhomesteading.com (607) 659-5995 wildmoonhomesteading@gmail.com