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All > Livingston
Amanda's Garden
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/amandas-gardenAmanda's Garden Native Perennial Nursery specializes in propagating and growing native perennial wildflowers, native ferns, native grasses and sedges. They have provided high-quality nursery propagated native perennials to museums, botanical gardens, local communities, city and state parks, landscapers, professional gardeners and private homeowners for over 26 years. Their business practices emphasize the preservation of native species, the production of high quality, healthy plant stock and meeting the unique needs of each customer. Amanda's Garden is a certified woman-owned business.
8030 Story Road, Dansville https://www.amandasnativeplants.com/ (585) 750-6288 ellen@amandasnativeplants.comARC of Livingston-Wyoming
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/arc-of-livingston-wyomingThe Arc of Livingston-Wyoming’s Transportation Department is dedicated to increasing the individual potential of the people we serve. Their primary objectives are to transport passengers safely and provide access to opportunities that will enrich their lives. They provide services throughout the 1,300 square miles of Livingston and Wyoming Counties. They also go into surrounding counties for pick ups and drop offs, as long as the trip starts or ends in Livingston or Wyoming county.
18 Main Street, Mount Morris https://lwarc.org/programs/transportation-services/ (585) 658-2828Conesus Lake Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/conesus-lake-associationThe Conesus Lake Association's mission is to “promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents, both permanent and temporary, of the area community known as Conesus Lake, Livingston County, New York.” Their programs include public education resources and the ConesUS Stewardship Initiative engaging the public in working to improve water quality and reduce the spread of of invasive aquatic species.
5828 Big Tree Rd, Lakeville http://www.conesuslake.org (585) 346-6864 info@conesuslake.orgDeer Run Winery
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/deer-run-wineryDeer Run Winery is a family owned farm winery whose humble beginnings grew from one man's love of making wine. Wine making has long been a passion of George Kuyon, who built Deer Run Winery in 2003 on a 20-acre parcel of farmland, after his retirement from Kodak.
3772 W Lake Rd, Geneseo https://www.deerrunwinery.com/ (585) 346-0850 winery@deerrunwinery.comEagle Crest Vineyards
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/eagle-crest-vineyards-Hemlock Lake is home to Eagle Crest and O-Neh-Da Vineyards, established over 140 years ago to offer natural, pure grape wines from locally grown Finger Lakes fruit. Sustainable vineyard practices and careful stewardship of the Earth have guided them since their founding in 1872.
7107 Vineyard Rd, Conesus http://www.eaglecrestvineyards.com/Home.php (585) 346-2321 info@eaglecrestvineyards.comFinger Lakes Trail Conference
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-trail-conferenceThe Finger Lakes Trail Conference's mission is "to build, protect, enhance, and promote a continuous footpath across New York State, forever!" They work in cooperation with their members and various organizations to develop and maintain a premier hiking trail system from the Catskills to Niagara Falls and Allegheny National Forest with branches throughout the Finger Lakes region.
6111 Visitor Center Rd, Mt Morris https://fingerlakestrail.org/ (585) 658-9320 info@fingerlakestrail.orgLagom Landing
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/lagom-landingLagom Landing is a nonprofit residential program providing 18-25 year olds a unique opportunity to build a foundation for the rest of their lives. They encourage students to discover their passions and gifts while teaching them skills that will benefit them no matter what direction they go. Carpentry, gardening, cooking, forestry, and other hands-on trades are the “tools” that students use to free up their minds and gain focus for their next step in life. Students spend time in nature while also living and working closely with mentors who inspire and motivate them to “land” into discovering who they are, not just what they will do.
7966 Reeds Corners Road, Dansville https://lagomlanding.com/ (585) 727-1687 lagomlanding@gmail.comNatural Upcycling
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/natural-upcyclingNatural Upcycling is Upstate New York’s premier food scraps/organics collection company. Their focus is to collect organic or food waste and turn it into a renewable resource – such as electricity or natural gas – through a process called anaerobic digestion. They have the infrastructure and technology to collect any volume of food waste, complete with depackaging services.
1818 Linwood Road, Linwood http://naturalupcycling.com/ (585) 584-312 info@naturalupcycling.comSkywolf Wind Turbines
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/skywolf-wind-turbinesSkyWolf Wind Turbine Corporation is a designer of a Solar Hybrid Diffused Augmented Wind Turbine (DAWT). A product that uses renewable wind and solar energy sources combined in one turbine. SkyWolf is a C Corporation. Through extensive research and development, they have patented the DAWT for the global sustainable alternative energy markets. This high tech, alternative energy product is commercially available for national and international applications.
156 Court Street, Geneseo http:// http://www.skywolfwindturbines.com/about/ (585) 447-9135 corporatesecretary@skywolfwindturbines.com