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Central New York Land Trust
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/central-new-york-land-trustCNY Land Trust, working in Onondaga and Oswego Counties, acquires land either by donation or purchase and keeps it in its natural state. These lands may contain wetlands, ponds, streams, grasslands, forests, hills and all of the other wonderful natural landforms that abound in Central New York. CNY Land Trust owns all of its preserves, and cares for the land forever for community benefit. Hunting, trapping, camp fires, overnight camping and the use of motorized vehicles are prohibited for the safety of the visiting public and the protection of the land. All of the preserves are open, free of charge, for hiking, photography and nature study from sunrise to sunset every day of the year.
7 Fennell Street, Skaneateles http://cnylandtrust.org/ (315) 575-8839 director@cnylandtrust.orgEarth Sensitive Solutions, LLC
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/earth-sensitive-solutions,-llcEarth Sensitive Solutions, LLC (ESS) is a geothermal heat pump system engineering and consulting firm committed to reducing their collective environmental footprint. ESS has developed geothermal heat pump systems around the globe and possibly in your back yard. ESS specializes in Geothermal heat pumps, solar thermal heating and domestic hot water, solar assisted geothermal heating, thermal conductivity testing, energy modeling, LEED consulting for EAc1, ASHRAE90.1 Appendix G energy assessments, and 3D system design.
Skaneateles, NY 13152 https://www.linkedin.com/company/earth-sensitive-solutions-llc/about/ (315) 253-3779 info@earthsensitive.comSilver Tree Forest
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/silver-tree-forestNestled in the rolling hills of the eastern Finger Lakes, the 6-acre farm is home to a perennial forest garden, useful plant nursery, mushroom yard, chicken and duck pastures, and multiple ponds surrounded by silver maple wetlands. Using permaculture design, organic practices, biological processes and hand cultivation, they grow perennial flowers, mushrooms, herbs, fruit trees, berry bushes, edible vines and vegetables for sale on farm or through their CSA program.
Silver Tree Forest, Owasco https://www.silvertreeforest.com/ (315) 258-3771 info@silvertreeforest.comSkaneateles Farmers' Market
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/skaneateles-farmers-marketThe Skaneatles Farmers Market is held on Thursdays in mid-May to mid-November and Saturdays in mid-May to mid-October, in the Austin Park pavilion parking lot. Their venders offer diverse produce, meats, eggs, dairy, garden plants, and personal care products.
24 Jordan Street, Skaneateles https://www.townofskaneateles.com/departments/parks/farmers-market/ (315) 727-9320 parks@townofskaneateles.comSkaneateles Lake Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/skaneateles-lake-associationSkaneateles Lake Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation and a member of the New York State Federation of Lake Associations and the Finger Lakes Regional Watershed Alliance (FLRWA). In order to ensure the integrity of the lake and its watershed for generations to come, their goals are to: Educate residents, government agencies and others using the lake about threats to the lake and its watershed, take all action necessary to protect and improve the water quality of Skaneateles Lake and to protect and improve its watershed, promote environmentally and aesthetically sound regional management of Skaneateles Lake and its watershed by encouraging cooperation among the Skaneateles Lake watershed municipalities, and engage in activities appropriate to further the mission of the corporation including public education, community organizing, fund-raising, publicity, working with village, town, county, state and federal officials.
26 Jordan St, Skaneateles http://skaneateleslake.org (315) 685-9106 skanlakeassoc@att.netSkaneateles Lake Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/skaneateles-lake-associationThe Skaneateles Lake Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection of the Skaneateles Lake watershed from pollution and invasive species though public education, coordinated monitoring and clean-up efforts, and cooperation with local governments to ensure that regulations and comprehensive watershed management plans reflect current science and the potential impact of current threats and that the management of the watershed remains vigilant. Skaneateles Lake is one of the cleanest lakes in the country and provides drinking water to the City of Syracuse.
Skaneateles, NY https://skaneateleslake.org (315) 685-9106 skanlakeassoc@att.net