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Beeman Apiaries
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/beeman-apiariesBeeman Apiaries is an apiary in Owego NY. Their honey is available at local farmers markets such as: Otsiningo Park Farmers Market on Saturdays from 9am-1pm at the Traditionally Natural Tent, at the Endwell Farmers Market located at Highland Park on Tuesday evenings, 4pm-7pm, and Owego Farmers Market on Tuesdays from 9am-1pm. They also make direct sales by Facebook or phone, bulk orders and wholesale. Their honey is available at GreenStar in Ithaca, NY, and other locations.
2871 Sulphur Springs Road, Owego https://www.facebook.com/BeemanApiariesNY/ beemanapiaries@gmail.comBerkshire Hills Honey Bee Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/-berkshire-hills-honey-bee-farmBerkshire Honey Bee farm is a family-run bee farm that produces pure, all natural raw honey and bee related products. Located in the rolling hills of upstate New York, they harvest honey only from bees raised and acclimated to the Northeast to maintain sustainable beekeeping.
904 N Ketchumville Rd, Berkshire https://www.facebook.com/BerkshireHillsHoneyBeeFarm/ (607) 657-2782 bobfinch57@gmail.comBottomland Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/bottomland-farmBottomland Farm is a small-scale, family farm that produces rabbit, chicken, and pork meats. Bottomland Farm raises only pasture-raised and heritage-bred animals in order to protect the well-being of its livestock and land.
410 Brown Road, Berkshire https://m.facebook.com/bottomlandfarm/ farmer@bottomlandfarm.comCandor Farmers Market
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/candor-farmers-marketThe Candor Farmers Market began in the spring of 2013. They give local vendors and farmers a place to come together and share fresh produce, baked goods, eggs, honey, meat, other foods, handcrafts and more with the community. Their market is held in the Candor Community Pavilion at the Candor Town Hall each Thursday from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm, usually from sometime in June through mid or late September.
101 Owego Rd, Candor http://www.candorfarmersmarket.org/home.html candorfarmersmkt@gmail.comDouble E Farms
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/double-e-farmsDouble E Farms, located in Willseyville, NY, produces shiitake and oyster mushrooms on hardwood logs. The wood they use is selected and cut from over 70 wooded acres using sustainable forestry practices. All mushrooms are cultivated using natural and organic methods. They form on cultivated logs as they do naturally and are harvested by hand in the woods where they grow. Mushrooms are sold by CSA and direct order.
2506 Danby Road, Willseyville http://doubleeforestfarm.com DoubleEShiitake@gmail.comDry Brook CSA
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/dry-brook-csaDry Brook CSA is committed to sustainable farming and good growing practices that protect natural resources, ensure freshness and quality, and support the health of its members. Dry Brook CSA is a local start-up agricultural enterprise which embraces the concept of a traditional CSA whereas focus will be on the production of high quality foods for a local community, using sustainable farming methods and good growing practices and a shared risk membership–marketing structure. This kind of farming operates with a much greater degree of involvement of consumers and other stakeholders than usual — resulting in a stronger consumer-producer relationship.
325 Dry Brook Road, Owego https://www.localharvest.org/dry-brook-csa-M67959 (607) 873-2768 drybrookcsa@gmail.comGreen Home Heroes
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/green-home-heroesGreen Home Heroes LLC is committed to exceptional customer service. They are a NY State licensed Home Inspection company, #16000059993, certified Level II Infrared imaging experts, and are dedicated discovering possible health and structural risks due to mold, structural defects, Carbon Monoxide and gas leaks in the home environment. They promote energy efficiency, help homeowners understand their options for energy efficient repairs and renovations, and create as many jobs as possible. They make life more comfortable!
95 Candor Hill Rd, Candor http://www.GreenHomeHeroes.com (607) 379-9739 dave@greenhomeheroes.comHemlock Grove Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/hemlock-grove-farmHemlock Grove Farm grows delicious organic apples in Danby, NY. Their farming philosophy focuses on the safest growing methods available, to protect the health of apple eaters and the natural environment alike. They offer apples to the greater Ithaca area through a Community Supported Agriculture program, and for sale by the bushel.
Danby, NY http://ithacaorganicapples.com/ hemlockgrovefarm@gmail.comHeritage Haus Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/heritage-haus-farmHeritage Haus is a 15-acre farm located in Berkshire, NY. They raise Kunekune pigs, Icelandic chickens and sheep and heritage breed turkeys for the local community and keep a small garden for their family. They select heritage breeds, who have proven themselves to be resilient and acclimated to outdoor living, and representative of their species as they have been for centuries. All to provide your with the best quality meats, eggs, wool and pelts. They believe in raising livestock as naturally as possible, out on pasture, utilizing rotational grazing methods that are gentle on the land.
1042 Brown Road, Berkshire http://www.heritagehausfarm.com/ jenn@heritagehausfarm.comHumble Hill Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/humble-hill-farmHumble Hill Lodge is one of Ithaca's longest running culinary agri-tourism destinations. Enjoy delicious breakfasts made from farm fresh produce and other high quality local foods. They sell weekly to the Ithaca Farmer's Market. The farm follows a CSA model.
390 Tallow Hill Road, Spencer https://www.humblehill.com/ (607) 738-6626 info@humblehill.comKingbird Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/kingbird-farmKingbird Farm is a small family farm owned and operated by Michael, Karma, and Rosemary Glos for over 20 years. They produce a diverse array of certified organically raised meats, produce, and value-added items. Their products include: certified organic pork, chicken, eggs, culinary herbs, houseplants and produce (includes onions, garlic, shallots, potatoes, and other vegetables). They also raise 100% grassfed Highland X Angus beef. Their field work is done with the use of our Norwegian Fjord horses. Their products are currently available by preorder, at their self serve store on the farm and the Ithaca Farmers Market. They try to market everything we raise no farther than 30 miles from the farm. They are at the market every Saturday yearound and the farm store is always open.
9398 West Creek Road, Berkshire https://kingbirdfarm.com/ (607) 657-2860 kingbirdfarm@gmail.comMojo's Sauce LLC
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/mojos-sauce-llcMojo's Sauce produces a seasonally-changing array of handcrafted gourmet hot sauces featuring locally sourced ingredients. Their hot sauces are sold at the Ithaca Farmers Market, in stores, online, and at other venues throughout and beyond the Finger Lakes Region.
110 Whig Street, Newark Valley https://www.mojosaucellc.com (607) 201-7789 info@mojosaucellc.comResidents Allied for the Future of Tioga (RAFT)
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/residents-allied-for-the-future-of-tioga-(raft)RAFT is a group of Tioga County, NY citizens committed to work with local and regional organizations to encourage, enable, and promote energy efficient technologies, clean energy, local foods, clean air and water, and a vibrant economy.
17 Lake St, Owego https://www.facebook.com/RAFTny/ (607) 342-3159Side Hill Acres Dairy Goat Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/side-hill-acres-dairy-goat-farmSide Hill Acres offers hand-crafted goat cheese, goat milk soaps, hand creams, face creams, lip balms, shampoo, bath & shower gel. They offer year round educational tours full of fun for everyone at no charge.
79 Spencer Rd, Candor https://sidehillacres.org/ (607) 659-4121 rkellogg@aol.comTioga County Soil and Water Conservation District
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tioga-county-soil-and-water-conservation-districtThe role of the Tioga County Soil and Water Conservation District is to assist individual landowners, groups, and units of government with any natural resource concern that is brought before it. This may take the form of technical advice, technical assistance, or finding a solution through another entity.
183 Corporate Drive, Owego https://www.tiogacountyny.com/programs-agencies/soil-and-water/ (607) 687-3553 walshw@tiogacountyny.govTwisted Tree Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/twisted-tree-farmTwisted Tree Farm is a 20 acre homestead and nursery tucked back in the hills of Spencer, NY. They are dedicated to growing healthy trees, food, and family. Their nursery specializes in low maintenance fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, and useful perennials. They primarily sell bare root stock, but also hav potted plants that are available locally. They sell seed, cuttings, roots, as well as trees and plants. All of their plants are raised naturally without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. This is surprisingly rare in the nursery business, so they are proud to raise well-rooted young trees in a living soil using compost, wood chips, and low tech common sense.
279 Washburn Road, Spencer http://www.twisted-tree.net (607) 589-7937 ttfarm279@Gmail.ComUpper Susquehanna Coalition
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/upper-susquehanna-coalitionThe Upper Susquehanna Coalition's mission is to protect and improve water quality and natural resources in the Upper Susquehanna River Basin with the involvement of citizens and agencies through planning, education, coordination, funding, project implementation and advocating for water resources. They strive to do so through a team approach, with teams focused on key watershed-wide efforts working independently and collaboratively.
183 Corporate Drive, Owego http://www.uppersusquehanna.org/usc/ (607) 972-2348 wwalsh@u-s-c.orgWaterman Conservation Education Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/waterman-conservation-education-centerThe mission of Waterman Conservation Education Center is to promote conservation education and environmental literacy. They serve their members, the citizens of the Twin Tiers of New York State and Pennsylvania and all visitors to their wildlife refuge system. They also have special events, annual education programming, Summer Camps, Nature Camps, and specialized school programs.
403 Hilton Road, Apalachin https://www.watermancenter.org/ (607) 625-2221 info@watermancenter.orgWildmoon Homesteading
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/wildmoon-homesteadingWildmoon Homestading focuses on growing food organically. They offer heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables, as well as classes for women in growing, storing, cooking, seedsaving, naturalists skills, survival skills, and shiitake growing.
529 Prospect Valley Road, Willseyville http://wildmoonhomesteading.com (607) 659-5995 wildmoonhomesteading@gmail.com